Chapter 3

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Kazumi’s P.O.V

“Do you need someone to show you where the meeting is going to be?” asked Rukia. I set my pen down and tapped my chin with my index finger, thinking.

“Now that you mention it Rukia, I will need someone to show me where it is. After all I forgot things had changed and that the meetings for captains and lieutenants are separated,” I said. Rukia opened her mouth to say something when a knock on the door came. “Come in,” I called. The door open and Gin walked in.

“I hope I’m not interrupting anything, but I overheard your conversation and thought that maybe I could show you where the meeting will be. After all I have to talk to you about something,” said Gin. I sighed.

“Sure why not,” I said.

“Good we better get going then if you don’t want to be late,” said Gin. I got up, grabbed my lieutenants’ badge and put it on my left upper arm. “I’ll be back after the meeting to help you finish with the paperwork, Rukia,” I said. I looked over at Rukia when she didn’t answer. I noticed her looking at Gin with a look of mistrust and fear. I coughed slightly to get her attention.

“I’m sorry what?” asked Rukia.

“I said I will be back after the meeting that way I can help you finish the paperwork,” I said.

“Okay,” said Rukia.

‘Looks like I’m going to have to have a talk with her about Gin,’ I thought. “All right lets go, Gin,” I said. I walked passed him and out of the door. He quickly followed after me. “So what is it that you needed to talk to me about?” I asked him I was following him since I didn’t know where I was going.

“Well first off I’m glad that you’re back,” he said. I looked over at him and he looked at me. “I really am. It’s been a long time since I last saw you and plus it’s been boring around here without you,” he said, chuckling.

“Yeah I know and it’s good to be back,” I said, facing forward again.

“Secondly, we all have decided to have a welcome back party for you this upcoming Saturday. I hope you decide to come, since after all it is your party.”

“And let me guess you and Kaname came up with this idea?” I asked, laughing. Gin looked at me and laughed again then looked forward.

“Yeah we did,” he said. Silence fell upon us as we were walking.

“Anything else you wanted to ask me?” I asked him, breaking the silence.

“Well I was wondering if you wanted to have lunch with me tomorrow?” he asked. I couldn’t help but smile to myself.

“You never where the type to give up on something,” I sighed, “I guess lunch won’t hurt,” I said.

“Good I will pick you up tomorrow,” said Gin. “We’re here,” he said, stopping in front of a room.

“Thanks for showing me the way,” I said. Gin nodded his head and walked off. I sighed and prepared myself. After all I hated being center of attention. I slowly reached for the doorknob and opened it. I walked it and noticed that I was the last one here.

“Well, well, look who decided to make it.” Everyone stopped talking and looked in my direction. I smiled at everyone and walked towards the person who spoke.

“I’m not late am I?” I asked Chojiro, the lieutenant of squad 1. Chojiro looked down and me and laughed.

“No you’re not, you’re right on time actually,” said Chojiro. Chojiro turned around and faced the other lieutenants, “Now some of you already know the new lieutenant of squad 13, but for those of you who don’t, this is Kazumi Muguruma,” said Chojiro, introducing me. Everyone said their hellos and introduced themselves. After introductions everyone took a seat and waited for the meeting to begin.

I fell for my saviors sister(Shuhei Hisagi love story)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora