Chapter 1

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"Detective Lance!"

The 23-year old detective looked up from the crime scene, a cigarette puffing on the edge of his lips. His mind was not that of a drifters, but more like that of a single pointed arrow, latching onto its target and staying there. Only one thing could bring his attention towards another detail but the murder scene at his feet. A soft hand touched his arm, and he turned slowly, the light of the streets reflecting off his shades. Her features were soft, her greenish-brown eyes alight with curiosity. The white skin of her face offset only by the small patches of freckles that peppered her cheeks. Jackson Lance could swear she was a high school senior, had it not been for the black police uniform and the single silver star on her shoulder. He took his long gaze away from her and back to the crime scene, puffing on his cigarette silently. The young officer stood there awkwardly, not really knowing how to approach him. She shook her head and saluted, her arm over her chest.

"Good morning, Detective. My name is-"

Lances deep yet soft voice cut her off, smoke lightly fading off his lips as he spoke slowly.

"Artemis Kalos, 21 years old, straight from the academy, which you entered at the age of 19, a child prodigy. You were raised on the lower east side of the city, and you live alone. You play well with others, have a tendency to see more paths on a crime scene than most seasoned detectives, and unfortunately for you, you were chosen out of a select few to have the prestigious position of being my partner...correct?"

The young girl blushed, embarrassed at the sarcasm in his voice when he said "partner". Artemis was used to such an attitude when dealing with her parents, and the few friends she had. But to take that from her new partner, it was a breeze of sour air. And one she did not appreciate.

What crawled up his butt this morning? I'd heard he could be a tough character, but this...this is plain rude!

As her anger at his rudeness started to build, Jackson looked to her, and sighed. He wasn't used to working with others anymore. Any prospects he had put for himself for having a new partner after...he shook his head lightly. He needed to stay focused. The murder scene needed his, or rather their, attention. He turned to her.

"Tell me, lieutenant, are the stories true? Are you really detective material as the stories portray you to be?"

Artemis gazed down at the ground, her eyes slowly glazing over in a thought process. She nodded slowly to answer his question, but only because she didn't want to reflect his rudeness in denying him an answer. Anyone who'd read her file knew that the stories were true, that she really was a prodigy in the fields of forensic science and crime solving. Her gaze worked over the scene as she played the details they already had out.

"Our victim, 54 year old Alex Hosier was last seen leaving his workplace at 4:45 pm. He was making his way down the alley, trying to get to the train station at the end of the street..."

She kneeled down, lifting the medical sheet and examining his head, then looking around at the dimly lit alleyway.

"...when his attacker struck him down from the shadows. Upon falling, the attacker struck him on his back with the same object, hence the bloody streak on his coat..."

Jackson watched with intense focus as the young lieutenant drew her fingers above the mark, highlighting it for him and the EMT standing by to see.

"...the attack continued, blood starting to splatter as the attacker bludgeoned Mr.Hosier to death. Nothing was taken, wallet and phone still here. This would seem to be a straight forward homicide."

Artemis stood, running her fingers along her forearm. She turned to see Jackson pitching the butt of his cigarette into the trash receptacle and sighing. He seemed...unimpressed. Artemis looked back at the body, feeling a slight sinking feeling. Her eyes narrowed then, her face turning sour.

What the heck am I feeling like that for? I don't need to impress him! He's my coworker, not my boss. I don't need to prove anything to him!

Jackson looked over at the young girl and watched her slowly, his eyes tracing over her face. It was rare that he ever wanted to look again at something, but her face was...captivating. The way she held her eyes to the scene, the way her face seemed to freeze over in a mix of analyzation and cold decision making. It was almost as if she could see the crime happening in real time. To most detectives, that would be a sign to suspect a motive. To Jackson, it only meant that he had a capable person working at his side. Maybe this wouldn't be so bad. He made his way to her and poked her head. Artemis looked up in a slight jolt, looking surprised. Jackson stared into her eyes, and grasped for a word.

"Lieutenant. You've made an impressive judgement of the scene. Let's head back to HQ and see if any of the other officers have picked up any new evidence."

Artemis nodded slowly, looking into his shades, her face reflected back at her. It was beyond her why a man of his stature would be hiding his eyes. Perhaps it was a scare tactic? Or trust? She looked back at the body one last time, then started towards a nearby police cruiser when Jackson called out.


She turned fast, looking at him. He was walking towards her in a slow methodical gate, and stopped next to her. Though his eyes were hidden, she felt as though he was looking into her soul. Artemis blushes lightly of embarrassment, and looked away a bit, stumbling in her words.

"Y-yes detective?"

Jackson reached out to her, hand open, as he nodded in acceptance. Artemis looked at it and slowly took it, shaking it.

"Welcome to the force."

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 04, 2016 ⏰

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