Chapter 17

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"Gabe abused me"

Nico stiffened, his arms tightened around my body as they began to shake.  His breathing became heavy and ragged. I felt him shake his head as he realized what I had said.

"No, please tell me this is just some sick joke, please!" Nico begged in desperation.

I felt tears prickle in my eyes, my breathing was faint.  I felt my face become emotionless, my eyes becoming dull, my whole body relaxed.  I gazed at nothing as I felt myself become emotionless.  Black hair came into my view as Nico hugged me tightly, rocking us back and forth as he silently cried.

"No, no, no, no, It's not true" Nico was in denial, he didn't want to believe what I told him, was the truth. 

It was a few minutes later when Nico spoke again "Does Sally know?" his voice broken.  I shook my head 'no'.  I gave a shaky sigh "Nobody knew, not for a long time" my voice was emotionless.  Nico's head snapped up as he heard the sound of my voice.  It was like it was when we had first met. 

Broken and Lost.

He grabbed my face and made me look him in the eyes "Don't do this Percy, don't shut me out" his voice was shaky but firm.  I stared into his dark eyes as they filled with tears.  I cast my eyes away, hating to see the pain that I caused him.

"Ok" I said tiredly.

Nico shifted in the seat, my head was leaning on his shoulder as we continued to watch the stars.  I heard a soft voice that I barely caught "How long did he abuse you?" I looked over at Nico to see a tear sliding down his cheek as he stared at the stars without really seeing them.

I clenched and unclenched my jaw, debating if I should tell him the truth.  "Please tell me, Percy. Please" I cast my eyes down at my hands, I chewed nervously on my lower lip "Since I was seven years old" (Tokyo ghoul anyone???)

I turned away, slightly embarrassed by what I've been through over the years.  I flinched when I felt someone's hand on my face.  I turned to see Nico with a heartbroken look on his face "Percy?" his voice was heartbroken "I will never hurt you, you have to believe me" Desperation clear in his voice.

I felt my eyes water, I nodded my head and slowly but quietly got up.  I headed towards the door and opened it to reveal my mother with tears in her eyes.  She looked at me with so much guilt and sadness.

My eyes widened slightly when I realized she had been listening to Nico and I speaking together.  She knows everything now.

"Percy..."  I spun on my heel and ran to my bike.  I heard Nico yelling for me as I quickly climbed on.  I was getting ready ready to turn over the ignition when I was suddenly pulled off of my bike.  I fought to be released but instead I was pulled back to the house.

Fear struck me in the heart, so many memories of being dragged to our house before I was beaten to near death.  I struggled like there was no tomorrow, I broke free from the unknown grip.  I ran like my life depended on it.

I heard footsteps running after me, I was running on pure fear and adrenaline.  I was tiring fast due to not moving a whole lot these past few days.

My breathing was becoming heavy as I searched for an escape.  My eyes landed on a small bridge with water running under it.

I took off into that direction.  I could hardly breath as I was almost there.

I started to stumble slightly.

Images of my life flashed through my head.  When I first saw Nico smile, Nico and I goofing around when I first went to his house, Nico's face hovering over mine when I was injured, Waking up to his warmth, crying on his shoulder...

I heavy force slammed into my side and I was air-born.  I heard a scream of fear before I was surrounded by coldness and I couldn't see anymore.

Water filled my lungs as I tried to take a breath in.  Shudders went through my body as I tried to force the water out of my lungs.  I couldn't move and I felt myself drifting away...

Hey guys! So I'm thinking I am almost finished with this book.... Let me know if I should write a sequel ???

Please Vote, Comment, and Follow (Just not in the creepy stalker way ;D)

Later BlueBerries!

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