Surprise flight home

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"Hello , please tell me that you have good news I have been longing for you to call I'm so happy "
"Hello Connie well I have news but not news your wanting to hear ... Um he's fine and that's all he said he refused to say where he was or when he was coming back . I think he knows or suspects something is going on between us ."
"Oh okay thanks Kiera for the news and keeping me posted I appreciate it thank you so much  "
"I begged for him to tell me where he was and when he would come back but he won't say ... He believes that no one cares "
" I care about him " she said weakly feeling herself welling up "thanks so much"
The line went dead connies heart Sank all she did was care about him perhaps she lost him now for good and it was all her fault .

Meanwhile in las Vagas Jacob was missing Connie he knew that there was more to it than that why is his niece wondering so much where he is . Connie had sent over 150 messages and called over 50 times perhaps she does care are and perhaps she was wanting to say sorry he was missing her dearly too . It had took him 8 months to melt her icy hard barriers and for her to realise that he did care and not just want to sleep with her . He had to go back to Holby for the chance to see if she did care about him or was she just faking it . He knew he wanted to see a few more things so booked a return flight home in 3 day time .

Today was the day that he was due to return home he was nervous how would she react . He sat alone on a seat of 3 so he put his head phones on and music on low . He could hear a girl crying on the seat in front of him she was by her self as well must be no older that 7 or 8 he had heard her for a long time she was clearly upset about something so what he decided to do was to go up to the girl and comfort her and talk to her .
"Excuse me " he said she looked up at him
"I'm wondering if your alright I've heard you snivelling for a long time what's the matter "
She smiled and rubbed her eyes he gave her a tissue "thank you" she said
"What's your name " he asked
"I'm Sarah " she said between snuffles
" is this the first time since you have traveled by your self ?"
" no , I've done it twice before - last year "
"How old are you Sarah ?"
"10" okay so he had got her age wrong but she was talking to him and she didn't even know him !
"Why are you travelling alone ? "
" I'm running away ... My mum sent me to America because she was too busy with work to live with my dad only now he was a new family and doesn't want me and spends time with the new baby !"
"Oh , how will you get home if she doesn't know your coming home?!?"
"I took enough money for a cab "

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