Part Four

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"Rise and shine, Payne! I just walked in on Niall giving Louis birthday sex and I am not about to go back to sleep."

The voice was loud and shattered the morning peace. Liam was centimeters away from falling off the couch, but still he pushed himself up to look over the back towards the hall. Harry was barely awake, but he guessed from the voice that it was Zayn who'd so callously broken their rest.

Liam gave Zayn an almost perfect replica of his the older lad's own signature bitch face. Harry smiled from behind the couch's back- he hadn't revealed himself yet.

Zayn rolled his eyes at Liam and looked to the other couch. "Harry already up?" he asked.

Harry took this as his cue. He pushed himself up from beneath Liam and gave Zayn his best sleepy-smile.

"Morning Zayn," he greeted, his voice thick with sleep.

Zayn wheeled around and stalked back to his room, mumbling something to the effect of "am I the only one who didn't get laid last night?"

Liam was blushing, but he was also grinning broadly at his friend's retreating form. "If it helps, nothing's happened!" he called. Zayn waved his hand as he disappeared into his room, and Liam turned to smiled down at Harry.

"Yet," the younger breathed, grinning up at him. Liam hummed lightly and pressed a quick kiss to Harry's lips.

"Definitely," he whispered as he pulled away. Harry shivered.

"Cold?" Liam asked, looking almost worried.

Harry smiled and moved to lie back down. Liam hovered over him.

"Never been warmer," the younger murmured. Liam smiled, seemingly relieved, and reclaimed his position at the edge of couch cuddling against Harry, though now the younger was turned towards him, their chests pressed flush together. His arms slid protectively around Harry's waist and nuzzled Harry's forehead lovingly.

Harry smiled. He was getting the Christmas he wanted, after all. So it wasn't perfect- so Liam maybe almost died, and for a moment Harry thought he'd accidently ruined any chance of them being together- but it ended just where hoped it would. He was curled up under a warm blanket with Liam, and they were together, and that was all Harry could ask for.

Outside, the storm had finally calmed down. The sky was visible, now, and the harsh blizzard had subsided to a gentle, flurrying snow. This felt appropriate to Harry, as if the weather outside reflected the way his heart was finally beginning to calm under Liam's influence.

"Hey, Liam?" Harry called gently.

Liam hummed in response.

"Have I ever told you how much I love Christmas?"

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