Chapter 4

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"First of all, why are we down in the underground tunnels?" I asked as a robe flew through the air, hitting me in the face.
"Here's your robe and headband. You'll need it," Holly sneered.
I pinned the cloak over my clothes, and I examined the flower crown in my hands. I felt every nook and cranny, looked at the fake flowers tied together with artificial leaves. I've never seen anything like it. The flowers were a bright white color with a yellow center, I smelled them, hoping they could be just like real flowers. All I smelled was a faint scent of life. I placed the crown atop my head, feeling the leaves poke my skull.
I As I looked at everyone, I noticed everyone's cloak's different. Mine's black, but faded into a light blue, symbolizing my real eyes. The only thing I noticed that's the same is the leaf pin, made with real gold.
"Thanks," I put on the robe, it's material felt soft against my pale skin.
"Good luck becoming a wanted fugitive," a girl with light red hair whispered in my ear.
"Wait a minute, who is everyone?" I asked, confused.
"Where do I start? Well, you already know Holly," River glanced at Holly, leaning against the wall. Even though I just met Holly about an hour ago, I can still see who she truly is. I've never seen anyone with hair like hers. Holly's hair starts out dark brown, then fades into a light blonde.
River pointed to a girl with similar hair to Holly, but in reverse. Her roots are a beautiful bright blonde, then fade to a reddish brown. Kind of like maple syrup, "Rose, this is Maple, Holly's sister."
I walked up to Maple, her face showed happiness and her welcoming blue eyes.
"Hi, I'm Maple!" Maple shook my hand vigorously as she introduced herself.
"Rose," I let go of her hand, suddenly vibrating with restless energy.
"Last, but not least, Shadow," River shoved me towards the person I'm supposed to hate, "She's not one for first impressions."
I stared into Shadow's beautiful, dark blue eyes. I could already tell what kind of a person she is. Shadow is the type of person who hides from other people, and hates any kind of human contact. She's definitely the exact opposite of me.
"Hi, I'm Rose, the girl you guys kidnapped," I stuck out my hand towards Shadow. She only glared at me.
"What did I do?" Both River and I gawked at Shadow's menacing glare.
"I'm sorry, she's not usually like this. What's going on?" River asked Shadow. She whispered in his ear, "Oh, that makes sense. Rose, I promise Shadow doesn't hate you, she just doesn't want to give you a chance at being friends."
"Why?" My mouth stayed unhinged as Shadow faced the other way.
"Well, you guys are opposites, so she doesn't want to hate you more than she should," River shrugged.
"At least give me a shot," I pleaded.
"Fine," Shadow whispered.
"Thank you," I collapsed to the floor in happiness. "Now, tell me exactly what's going on. I'm still confused."
"Okay, this secret society has one job, to take out President Violet. She's the whole reason society is collapsing. We've been trying to drive her out of the capitol for years, but she won't leave no matter what. She just sits at her desk, plotting her next move on us. No one has been able to find us. Have you ever wondered why we're the only people left with blue eyes?" River asked.
"All the time," I pondered.
"A couple years ago, President Violet ordered her troops to take out every single person with blue eyes," River's hear hung in despair, "they took my parents from me that day I knew someone had to take a stand. I went into hiding, searching for the only people left who truly care."
I gawked at River, who sat down onto the cold concrete, tears flooding out of his eyes.
River quickly brushed away the droplets, standing up with pride, "Since that day we swore to never attack with violence, but with the power of persuasion."
"Have you done anything yet?" I sat down, trying to take this all in.
"No, we've been searching for you," River smiled.
I took the contacts out, revealing my true eye color. Everyone gasped at the beauty in my eyes.
"Your eyes... They're brighter than I could ever imagine," River stared deeply into my bright, blue eyes.
"Thank you," I broke the silence sizzling around us.
"They're beautiful, like nothing I've ever seen," River's cheeks turned a bright pink.
My cheeks felt hot to the touch as I stared into the ocean of River's eyes. No wonder his name's River. I could see real water running from everything troubling him.
"Alright everyone, our meeting's over," River's eyes snapped away from mine, "Rose, I'll take you home."
"Okay, just give me a couple minutes." I looked over to Shadow, her blue eyes glinting off the sunlight.
I walked over to the bench, looking out through a grate, showing the sky. Nothing else. Shadow was perched on the side of the metal bench, looking out through the grate.
"What's up?" I asked as I sat down next to her.
"Just looking out at the sky," Shadow whispered, "It's so pretty, how the clouds swirl together, creating new shapes.
"It really is, sometimes I just like to sit outside and just watch the clouds fly by," I leaned back in the bench, falling over and landing on Shadow's lap. We both laughed, straightening ourselves out.
"I'm so glad I gave you a chance. You seem less opposite from me after all," Shadow laughed softly.
"Me too," I smiled at Shadow as a hand landed on my shoulder.
"Let's go, I don't want to keep your mother waiting."

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