.1. Harsh Realizations

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.1. Harsh Realizations

"Here, Hermy dear, if you take this box and your Dad can take that big one." Mum instructed me sleepily, pointing to a cardboard box labeled "Hermy's Junk". I lifted the box up, finding it surprisingly light, and carried it down the groaning attic stairs, through the hallway and into my sea foam-blue bedroom.

Dropping the box down onto the floor with a thump, I sighed. After finally finishing high school a year ago, Mum had decided it was finally time for me to start looking for my own house. We'd been clearing out all of our old belongings from the attic for about five hours now, and I was worn out. I was never the athletic type at school or at home, I suppose, I was more the type to go to the library and lose myself into a good book, for hours on end, usually. 

Sinking down onto the faded purple rug that had been sitting on the floor for years now, I thought about my options for the future. Mum and Dad wanted me to become dentists, following in their footsteps and taking over their dental practice, but I knew that couldn't be my destined future.

 Whenever I thought about my future... Strange things came to mind - unimaginable, impossibly bizarre things. Flashes of light, pride, power, a community... Though the community I seemed to be thinking of was different and strange, though I seemed to fit in perfectly there. I could lose myself in my thoughts of the future for hours, because whatever my mind seemed to be drawing me to felt like home.

My future was out there somewhere; I could feel its rough, jerky hands pulling me towards my destiny every single day. I just needed to find out what exactly my destiny was, along with how I could reach it.

My thoughts were interrupted when the doorbell rang, a high-pitched, clanking sound, which always caused me to jump, even when I was expecting it - and today was no exception, in fact, my fright was probably worse because I wasn't expecting it and I was so tired.

I leapt up from the floor and shouted a loud; "I'll get it!" up to my parents, who were still in the attic, probably sorting out even more dusty old boxes. I quickly made my way down the stairs and towards the front door, where the shadow of a female figure could be seen.

I opened the door and found my best friend since childhood standing there, Shayla McQueen. "Shayla!" I exclaimed excitedly. "I haven't seen you in ages! How was Australia?" Shayla's family had decided to take a family holiday to Australia to visit some newly-found distant relatives there.

Shayla seemed just as excited to see me, her dark curls bouncing, green eyes brimming with child-like excitement. "Herms! I haven't seen you in ages!" She squealed, pulling me into a tight hug. "Australia was great! I got to hold a koala! A koala!"

"That's great! Come in, come in!" I replied, excited. We had so much to catch up on, so much to tell each other! Unfortunately, Shayla had attended boarding school since she was eleven, so we only got to see each other in the school holidays. Of course, with Shayla going to Australia straight after finishing school, that meant less time with my best friend this year than any other year before.

We hurried up to my bedroom and sat ourselves down on my bed. "So, what's been happening with you and your family? How is everyone?" I asked Shayla, but her eyes were fixed on something else. I followed her gaze, and found what she was looking at: the box I had brought down, with all of my old 'junk' enclosed in it.

"Uh, Shayla, are you okay?" I asked worriedly. She'd completely blanked out, staring at something sticking out of the box - a pale envelope, a crest stamped onto it along with a red embossed seal. Oh, no! Shayla couldn't see that I kept that stupid letter; she'd think I was a baby for keeping it!

The next few moments seemed like they were going in slow motion - Shayla's hand reaching towards the dusty envelope, her eyes wide when they fell upon the strange crest, then ... realization. Shayla looked up at me in disbelief. "You got accepted too? But... you didn't go?"

 "What... What do you mean? That letter isn't real! It's a stupid fraud!" I exclaimed - was Shayla trying to pull a joke on me?

Shayla laughed. "I never knew! Oh, if your mum had let you go... we could have had so much fun together!"

I was getting impatient and annoyed now, what was Shayla talking about? "What do you mean, Shay? That letter was sent by con-men!"

Her expression turned sympathetic. "I understand, Herms. I always wondered if there were cases like this... Muggle-borns, not being able to go to Hogwarts... I always thought Professor Dumbledore would figure out some way to let them attend... Obviously not..." Shayla rambled on and on, about strange things and people - 'muggles', a 'Professor Dumbledore' and that so-called school, 'Hogwarts'. Shayla finally realized I was taking in any of the information she was giving me. "Oh, I'm sorry Hermione, you don't understand what I'm talking about, do you?"

I shook my head: no. She took a breath and said, "I have a confession... Firstly, this isn't a fake. This letter is a hundred percent real. See, y'know that boarding school I went to, that I never told you much about? Well, this was my boarding school; Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. I know it may seem hard to believe Herms, but I'm a witch, and you were meant to be a witch as well."

I stared blankly at Shayla. What was she talking about? Magic was not real, as I had found out when I received the letter, nine years ago... "Prove it." I challenged. Now Shayla had two options: either to confess to this whole charade being a joke or actually do some sort of 'magic'.

"As you wish," Shayla smiled slyly, and pulled out a polished wooden... well, stick, out of the pocket in her woolen cardigan. "Name any object in the room Herms, any object at all."

I looked round, trying to find something awkward, so she couldn't pull of whatever trick she was planning to do. I spotted a large encyclopedia on the top shelf of my bookcase - perfect! "That encyclopedia, over there," I replied whilst pointing at the large, heavy book.

Shayla shrugged, and then pointed the stick at the encyclopedia. "Accio encyclopedia!" She shouted, and the book came whizzing from its shelf into her outstretched hands. I stared at her in disbelief, how on Earth had she done that? Shayla saw me looking at gave me a sheepish smile, "summoning spell," she said, answering my unvoiced question, "works every time!"


Hey guys! So, after some consideration, I’ve finally decided to continue this! Yes, I put it on hold, but ''Just a Muggle …'' is now back in the Wattpad business! I’m sorry, but I can’t really tell when updates are going to come – I’ll try getting them out once a week, at least, but no promises! '‘Her Laugh’' gets top priority =).

No video, sadly. I feel like I’m breaking tradition here. I might add one if I find one that fits (suggestions, anyone?). Thanks to my big sister on Wattpad, @FlorenceLovegood for yet another amazing banner! I’ll try to get her to make them for all the chapters, but it might take some persuading!

I’d really appreciate it if you, as the reader, would comment on my work – point out some good bits, some flaw etc. Please? It would mean a lot to me! Of course, votes are highly appreciated as well *wink, wink*!

Thanks a lot for reading!

~Bee =D 

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