Chapter 4

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I was quiet most of the walk to the Hyuuga manor because I was lost in thought.

"Well Bye... Sasuke and Itachi." Hinata said with those sad lavender eyes and that soft little voice of hers.

" Goodbye you two." Neji said quickly.

Sasuke and I watched them go inside before heading home ourselves.

About five pass by with Sasuke and I hanging out as brothers and having fun.

" Alright Sasuke time to go inside. Mother made soba your favorite. But after dinner it will be time for bed since we stayed out late passed dinner time that was two hours ago." I told him trying to be nice when I was silently crying on the inside. I just couldn't bare the thought of never seeing my little brother any more. I just couldn't.

I was laying next to Sasuke crying silently, waiting for my family to fall asleep.

A couple hours flew by as I watched him sleep. Soon enough the time came when I finally had to leave my brother. I felt tears roll down my face at thought of never seeing him again. I couldn't hold them back anymore. I waited in his room watching him till I could finally stop crying then I headed towards the hokage's office.


"Come in." The third hokage Sarutobi said.

"You called me here?" I said trying to have a strong voice.

"Yes, Your mission is to Kill your parents." He said with a very serious face.

"WHAT?!?" I almost yelled.

"Keep your voice down Itachi."

"Yes, sir. My apologies."

"As I was saying, I need you to annihilate them because I have had some ANBU secretly watching them for awhile and I have come to realize they are forcing the Uchiha clan to follow them in their plans to overthrow me. If that happens the village will be possibly destroyed."

Said the hokage with a serious face.

"But why Lord third? And why me?"

"Itachi, If you kill your parents which are leading them, the clan will back down. The clan is being forced so they aren't much of a threat. And I want to spare as much lives as much as I can and since your ANBU it's your mission to do so. I'm sorry about this because I also know it'll be hard for you to complete your mission." He said with sorrow in his voice.

"I know it will, but my loyalty must be to the village. I believe if my father's plans would be put to action he'll put this village through hell. I can't let him follow through with this. I can't mess up but will I have to get rid of Sasuke as well? I can follow through with killing my parents but I can't do that to my young brother. Please spare him. I'll do anything." I said as tears started to form in my eyes.

"I'll spare him. But once you kill your parents you will be forced to become a rogue ninja. I can not let this news leak out to the village. The villagers would freak out. On top of that the Uchiha's will start to be feared and untrusted. And this incident will repeat. I don't want to regret not killing them.And if Sasuke see's your actions then lie to him. Whatever you do make sure he doesn't find out about this plan your father's has." He told me

"I understand and thank you. But one thing, how will I be able to keep an eye on Sasuke?"

"Join the Akatsuki organization. It's lead by a friend of mine. Their rogue ninja's from hidden villages. They've become to be criminals in order to hide their village secrets and prevent wars from happening within the village. Their good people. And they are lead by a guy named Yahiko or as Pain he prefers to be called. He is from the Hidden Rain Village, that was ruled under Hanzo of the Salamander." Said Lord third.

"How will I find the organization you speak of? Do you even think they will really accept me? They must know I am the famous Itachi Uchiha who became an ANBU member at age ten. I'm known in the other villages. And how will I even know who this Pain is? And what made him leave? Was Hanzo that bad? And how many akatsuki are there? Don't you think they will try to kill me if they saw me, an ANBU, coming to find them and not just any ANBU either. The Uchiha, the most gifted of the entire clan. Won't they feel threatened? How do I even get in their organization anyways? I'm sorry to bother you with a shit ton of questions this late at night."

"It's entirely ok, your just doing your job as ANBU. I know how they are. They have to make sure they understand everything before leaving on a mission that way there tracks are covered with no loop holes. And the akatsuki organization has a total of nine members. They wear distinctive black cloaks with red clouds on them. Where they're located is past the Hidden Grass Village in a hidden cave. I'll make sure to let them know you are on your way. They knew about the Uchihas and wanting to strike. They just didn't know when. They've been popping up in every village to see if there's any people in the clans that are like your father. So far they tell me you should be the last one coming. They will accept you right off the bat when they see exactly which Uchiha is arriving. Pain has orange hair and metal rods in his nose and ears. He's hard to miss. I don't know exactly why they left but I sent them to a hidden cave because they asked for my help and in return they offered to keep watch over the Leaf village. They keep me updated on how many members they receive as well. The akatsuki will keep a close eye on your brother in secret not to worry. But on the other hand they have to do whatever they can to still alive so they tell me they cause crimes in other villages to stay alive. I told them to do that just so none of the hidden villages get suspicious. So they put their names in the bingo book of dangerous criminals. The only thing they do for this village is not hurt any of the villagers that's all, otherwise they have their own leader and plans." Lord third said with a serious tone.

"Thank you." I simply replied.

And with that I left to fulfill my mission. A few minutes later I had snuck back into my house and easily slaughtered my parents in silence. Right when I was going to turn to walk out I saw Sasuke standing in the door watching me.

" Big brother...... w..w..why...?" He stuttered with tears in his eyes.

I wanted to cry and hold him and tell him it was going to be ok. But I knew I couldn't. 'What should I tell him? How long has he been there? He might've just gotten there because I didn't sense his chakra.' I panicked.

"Sasuke. I had to they were useless to me. But I must leave now. But please remember that I love you and always will. Goodbye Sasuke." I told him and with that I fled the Leaf Village.

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