Sister, I Love You

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Hellllloooo... This. Is. A. Story. :)

 I'm a pretty casual writer. Sorry if you don't like that... and this is my first story on Wattpad! Wish me luck! :3

This is just a little short story I'm writing for fun, nothing big. Enjoy! :)


Monday, March 26th

     "Hey! Lizzy, time for dinner!" My thirteen year old sister poked her head into my room, "What are you doing?" We were two years apart from each other, Leah being the younger sister, but that didn't matter; we did everything together.

     "Nothing! Gosh, go away! I'll come in a minute!" I shouted at her. I really hoped she didn't see what I hid under my pillow. That would ruin everything. It was her birthday soon and I wanted it to be a suprise.

     "Okay... well hurry up! And why are you acting so suspicious?"

     "I'm not! Let's just go! Come on." We walked out of my room and sat down at the table. Just another typical day, except for the photo album I'd worked forever on hidden under my pillow, that no one could know about. Except for that.

     Leah really enjoyed crafty stuff, and had mentioned before that she wished she had a scrapbook with all of her pictures. I'd decided to make one, and was quite proud of it.

     After dinner, our family all sat down to watch a movie. I was anxious to get back to my room and make sure it was safe. I didn't think under a pillow was really a good hiding place.

     "Lizzy! Why are you fidgeting? It's annoying, stop!" Leah nudged me.

     "Shut up! I'm not doing anything! Stop being so annoyed at everything!" I yelled at at her softly. Even though you get along and love them, sisters could still get on your nerves.

     "Girls, if you're going to fight, you can go to your rooms." Our mom told us.

     "Fine. I will go to my room!" Exactly what I wanted. I got up to go. My mom shook her head but said nothing, I was always acting up these days.

     In my room, I quietly rushed to my bed. Lifting the pillow, I sighed, seeing that it was still there, untouched. Good, I thought, Now I need to hide this somewhere else. I looked around my room. Nothing stuck out to me, but there was my closet. I could hide it way in the back of it, where no one ever looked. It wasn't the best plan ever, but it'd have to do for now. I picked up the album carefully, and stuffed it in the back of my closet. Done. Now I could relax. I went to bed and fell asleep, the stress of the day melting off.

Tuesday, March 27th

     "Hey, Lizzy! What's up?" My best friend, Breanna, called to me as I was walking in to our high school. We were both freshman that year, but that was okay by us. High school was twenty times better than middle school.

     "Nothin'. Just sick of school and I wanti t to die, is all." I told her. Even if it was better that middle school, it was still school.

      "Yeah, I know, same. Hey, are you doing anything Thursday? Because you can come over and hang out if you want. I've got nothing to do." Breanna suggested.

     "Well, Leah's party is Friday, but I think Thursday's fine." I replied.

     "Okay, great! We can- oh snap! Gotta get to class, see ya!" Breanna rushed away. I glanced at the clock. Breanna was right. Class started in two minutes. I dashed into my first class just as the final bell rang, ready to endure another day of torture. I hated school.

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