Chapter 2- Dinner and a Greeting

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Chapter 2

Harry's P.O.V

I was looking at Autumn and I couldn't get over how pretty she looked. I looked at her face then noticed she looked uncomfortable, I stopped checking her out feeling weird since I just met her, and She noticed that I was looking at her and that made me feel weird.

"So.. "

"So.." She replied slowly.

 Julie Just happened to walk into the kitchen, and after her the boys followed.

"So Autumn I see you've met harry."

"Yeah" she replied, and kept her head down.

"These are the rest of the boys Niall, Zayn, Liam, and Louis."

"Hey" she waved her hand. There was a chorus of Hello's and Nice to meet you's back.

"Well dinners almost ready, you guys can go sit in the living room and hang out till its done." Julie said.

We all walk out into the living room including Autumn, she just trails behind me. The boys all sit on the couches taking up all the room I sit in the recliner and Autumn just shrugs and sit's on the arm of the chair I am sitting in.

*Autumn's P.O.V*

All the boys take up the seats so I kind of just stood there not knowing what to do until I finally sat down on the arm of the recliner where Harry sat.

"So, how do you guys know my Aunt?" I ask and Harry speaks up first.

"Well she worked with us a while back in a music video since she's a model so we got to know her and stuff."

"Oh cool, you guys make music?" That's cool there in a band. "Of course, you don't know who we are?" Harry asks smiling kind of like it's a joke. Okay, I'm confused.

"Um, no sorry I don't" I feel sorry that I haven't heard of them before.

"We are One Direction" I think Niall says.

"That's cool" I tell them.

"DINNERS READY!!" My Aunt yells from the kitchen. All the boys scrambled to the kitchen once again leaving me to trail along which I didn't mind as much.

"So Autumn, you've met all the guys isn't it cool that I've worked with them before?" She asks.

"Yeah it is."

Everybody Starts to eat all at once and It's pretty odd for me to just start eating, you see me and my mom would usually say grace at the table. "I'm sorry dear we don't usually say grace in this house." My aunt said in a sweet voice like she really was sincerely sorry and I believed her.

"It's okay " I said.

"Would you like us to?" my Aunt asks with a smile.

"No, really it's fine." I tell them.

They all go back to eating while I say grace in my head, thinking of my mom the whole time.

*After Dinner*

We're all currently in the living room this time me and my Aunt got a seat on the couch with Harry and I think Zayn are on the floor in front of me. Harry's leaning on my legs but I don't mind, I think its cute.

"So how was school?"My aunt asks me. "Okay, it was okay I guess." I tell her.

"That's good."

"Are you still in that pet rescue program?" She asks.

Summer LoveOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora