13 Tags of Humiliaty!!!

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Kimori: Sorry for the title! It took half-minute to think about a creative title. This tagging thing told me that I must do it....

Hime: I told you! You can do it in a week! \(^∇^)/

Kimori: Oh, yeah... forgot about that! ~♡~

Hime: or else *death glares*

Kimori: HAH! Don't think you can beat a Yandere girl! Huehuehue...

Keira: My 'huehuehue' thing passed down to you?

Rules!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ~♡~ (Kimori: What's the heart for?-_-)

1. You must post all the rules!

2. You must tag 15 people!

3. You must post 13 facts about yourself!

4. You must answer all 13 questions given to you!

5. You must create more 13 questions to those you tagged!

6. You can't say you don't do this tags!

7. You must finish this in one week or I have full power to remind you!
Kimori: That's my thing.... huehue.... *cracks hands*. OUCH, MY HANDS!

8. You should be creative with da title!

「13 Facts About Me!
1. I don't know what '-dere' am I...
2. I really really love Fairy Tail!!!
Keira: Tch, obviously...
3. I have 3 personalities! -Cherish, Shy, Cold-
Kimori: IT'S COMPLICATED!!!!!!
4. I have a crush!! (real life)
Keira: I KNOW THAT!!!
5. I had too many heart-breaks... (T^T)
6. Watchout, I kick badasses.....
7. I always want to be a voice-actresses from one of my stories!♡
8. I can speak Japanese! (Most of them....)
9. I sing Japanese songs!
10. I love K-ON!!
11. I love to play Harvest Moon: Back To Nature; and Harvest Moon DS Cute!
12. I HATE COCKROACHES!!!!!!!!!!!
13. GRUVIA FOR LIFE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Also NaLu and JErza.....

Kimori: BOOM!!! 13 FACTS ARE DONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!」

Hime: You haven't done the questions..... -_-

Kimori: O-Oh.......... Ehehe......

「13 Questions for me!
1. Do you really want to answer this?
Kimori: Umm...... I don't know..... Probably?
2. I dare you! Describe your crush!
Kimori: But I did! Just read my "Describe Your Crush Challenge!" again!! Okay, just one!: His name starts with "M"!
3. Soccer or Netball?
Kimori: Umm....... Soccer, I guess?
4. Are you fuckin' hate me?
Kimori: Not if you use the profile picture I made for you..
5. Draw me Saru, please. (This is actually not a question)
Kimori: Okay, okay. It'll took a while. I'll update it in "My Drawings" book.
6. Tenma-kun or Fey-sama?
Kimori: Fey-kun (sama) for life!!!!!!!!!
7. What is your greatest prestation?
Kimori: Well, my friends say that I'm good at making stories.... or sometimes they say I'm a love expert....*blushes*
8. How do you know Wattpad?
Kimori: From @keirasibuki of course!!!
9. If you were able to join on of all teams in IE, what team would you join?
Kimori: Nothing~~~~
10. You're start to hate me right?
Kimori: Of course not!
11. What is your favorite OTP?
Kimori: GRUVIA!!!!!!!!!!!!
12. Give me two hissatsu techniques.
Kimori: ....... 'hissatsu' wa nani? (What is 'hissatsu'?)
13. Cartoons, Variety Shows, Drama or Anime?
Kimori: Drama and Anime!♡♡♡



Kimori: Okay, okay.... You do have full power to remind me..... -_-

「13 Questions for you! Huehuehue......
1. What is your favorite anime?
2. Please draw me chibi Fey Rune! (This is not a question actually)
3. I dare you, huehue...hu-ehek*coughs*. Say the name of your crush! YOUR REAL LIFE'S CRUSH!
4. Tell me the personalities you have!!!
5. What is your most little tiny berry secret? (Little Tiny Berry is just an idiom!)
6. What is your favorite OTP?
7. If you can marry all of the IE characters, who will it be? *smirks*
8. Saru da monkey or Fey da bunny?
9. Volley or Soccer?
10. Tokyo or Osaka?
11. How do you know Wattpad?
12. What is the title of your first story in Wattpad?
13. Do you hate these 13 questions?

Kimori: ANSWER THAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Now I tag......

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