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S.S.C-2016-Short Suggestion

প্রিয় পরীক্ষার্থী/অভিবাবক/শিক্ষক,
আজকে ইংরেজী ১ম পত্রের পূর্নাঙ্গ সাজেশন দেয়া হল।সাজেশনে চট্টগ্রামের শীর্ষস্থানীয় স্কুল ও বোর্ড প্রশ্নপত্র বিশ্লেষন করে প্রনয়ন করা হয়েছে, আশা করি নিচের তারাকা চিহ্নিত বিষয়গুলো একনজর দেখে নিলে সম্পূর্ণ প্রশ্ন কমন পাওয়া যাবে আশা করা যায়! উপরন্তু সাজেশনে উল্লেখিত টপিক গত দুই বছর ধরে অভ্যন্তরীণ পরীক্ষা গুলোয় সিলেবাসভুক্ত ছিল, তাই একে বারে নতুন করে পড়ার ঝুকি নেই।
সবার জন্য শুভ কামনা।

1.The national Memorial.....***
2.Pohela Boishak....***
3.A freedom fighter.....***
4.The international mother language Day***
5.Facebook is a directory*****
6.An earth quak is one....***
7.Internet and social media....***
8.The UNESCO has honoured....***
9.A world heritage site....**
10.Newspaper is the people parliament..*
11.several moral degradation...*
12.Social value stands....**
13.Listening, speaking, reading and writing...**
14.Pritilata was born in chittagong....***

#Note: Star marks have been given for showing importanc.

1.Humayun Ahmed....burried in Nuhash polli.....*****
2.Altaf Mahmood....war liberation...****
3.Begum Sufia Kamal....****
4.Sir Jagodish Chandra......****
5.Munir chowdhury....***
6.Kaji Nazrul Islam....****
7.Nelson Mendala.....***
8.The nobel prize.....***
9.Neil Armstrong....****
10.Stephen Hawkins...****
11.Jashim Uddin....***
12.Mother Teresa......****
13.Abraham Linkon.....*****
14.Bangladesh is also rupee..***
15.Zahir Raihan.....***

1.A School Magazine****
2.Climate Change
3.International mother language day
4.Environment Pollution
5.Load Shedding
6.Traffic Jam*****
7.A book fair***
8.Winter Morning***
9.Climate Change**

1.Tit For Tat/ Sheikh Saadi’s Wit**
2. Perseverance is the key to success/ Robert Bruce and Spider****
3. An Honest Wood Cutter
4. Thirsty Crow**
5. A lion and a Mouse**
6. A Greedy Farmer/ Grasp all, loss all**
7. Bayazid’s Love to his Mother/ Devotion to Mother***
8.The hare and tortoise**

1.About the preparation for the coming examination/SSC examination***
2.How to eradicate the illiteracy problem from Bangladesh
3.Merits and demerits of using mobile phone***
3.The benefits of early rising
4.Bad effects of smoking
5.Letter to friend for hospitality****
6.Letter to brother advising him to attentive to his studies.
7.Benefits of reading newspaper***
8.Describing annual prize giving ceremony.***

1.Preparation for the coming examination***
2.How to eradicate the illiteracy problem from Bangladesh***
3.About reading newspaper***
4.The benefits of early rising***
5.Dangers of smoking**
6.Merit and demerit of using mobile phone/social network/facebook.****

1.Thanking for birthday present**
2.Consoling for your friend’s father’s death
3.To return the book**
4.Thanking for hospitality**
5.Thanking for nice gift***

★Graphs and Charts:★
1.The Internet Users***
2.Time Spending on various activities of a student**
3.Poverty line***
4.Population growth rate of Bangladesh***
5.The number of Mobile Phone users in Bangladesh***

1.Capitalism developed in ——— modern amenities
2.We should say ‘no’ ———- to control corruption
3.It is true that mother ———- with our existence
4.Democracy means ———- democratic country
5.Tolerance is not ———- for compromise

1.Sinbad: He had only one son ———- a rich man.
2.Alfred Nobel: This scientist was ———- and in war.
3.Robert Bruce: And he took shelter ———- to save his life.
4.Jaynul Abedin: At fifteen, he went ———- Art College.
5.Androcles: He fell asleep ———- himself in a forest.

[Note: Make a comment to have the rest part of the suggestion.
পরবর্তী অংশ আপনার ওয়ালে পেতে একটি কমেন্ট করে রাখুন]

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