❤ Chapter 4

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I woke up feeling a little bit uncomfortable, and I just found myself in my own study table.

O' and yes, I had a hell of a day yesterday. Grandfather's gone and my first day at school was ruined.


Tok. Tok. Tok.

Nana Gracie's loud knocks echoed around the room. It was as loud as a bass drum and it's utterly weird.

I stood up and opened the door, not minding my unwashed face and my messy hair.

"Yes, Nana?"

"Baby..." she sighed.

This is bad news I guess, another way to start-off a bad day.

"You can't go to school today, maybe tomorrow or maybe next month. You couldn't go back to school unless your grandfather will be home again." Looking all worried, Nana's voice was about to break.

"Baby, I know you how you've longed to go to school with all the other people and stuffs but you cannot especially when your grandfather's gone."

I sighed with the feeling of despair. This is really saddening and I don't really like the feeling about being locked inside the mansion again.

Dug. Dug. Dug.

Loud thuds of steps were heard near my room.

"Eh-hm. Miss Wright, there's an important matter, err no scratch that, there are a lot of important matters that I have to talk with you Miss." As I looked keenly through his familiar face, I could sense that he was grandfather's secretary.

"Hmm, well, we could talk about it at the library Sir. " I answered and smiled genuinely. Maybe, he knows where exactly my grandfather was.

" Please go ahead Sir, I'll be there after a few minutes." I went inside my room and pampered my self.


"So, what is it Sir?"

Sitting in grandfather's desk, and it felt so right. But it's not mine.

"Well, Miss Wright, since your grandfather is gone for a while or maybe forever, the company should have their acting CEO." Mr. London sincerely and seriously said sitting infront of me. He introduced himself when I was about to enter the library.

Since grandfather had no other heir but me, that place would be ended up to me.

"What?! I'm still young! I'm 17! And how do you expect me to do such a responsibility?!" Trying to restrain myself from bursting anger.

It's not necessary! Why do I have to be a CEO, I'm still young and I was almost given the chance to have my freedom,then this?!


"We have no other choice, Miss. Your Grandfather did not have a COO that was supposed to be you when you turn 18."


And then I just found myself walking through the glass doors of the company.

It was huge and elegant. It was my first time to be here and it's appealing. The employers, doesn't know that I'm their CEO's granddaughter.

I quietly followed Mr. London, not minding the disturbing eyes of the employers.

And then for a moment, Mr. London stopped.

"Attention! Tomorrow there's a big announcement and it would be also a party. An email would be sent to you this afternoon for the details. Thank you." He then continued to walk to the elevator where no one was inside.

"Ms. Wright, I hope that you won't mind. Your office would be at the 20th floor. But don't worry, it would just take for about 10 mins."


"Wow" the first thing that came out from my mouth.

Grandfather's office was huge. It wasn't designed like his room, it was modern. The city of New York was visible. And it's my very first time to see such beautiful scenery.

But, I was cut off by Mr. London's voice.

"Miss, today will be the start of your briefing. Someone will come here and teach you everything. I'm very sorry about this sudden commotion. But there's no other way."

We walked through an open hallway wherein it still covers up Grandfather's office. It looked much like a Presidential Suite but it's just an office.

"And this is my place Miss if you need me, I'm just right here."

But then I just realized that this place wasn't Grandfather's office. It was inside! There's a huge door besides Mr. London's desk. There's a plate where there's " The Wright " it's funny and weird.

As soon as I opened the door, there it is a huge room filled with mirrors. A desk which is I guess made from ironwood, Grandfather's a fan of ironwood. And a receiving area, a musical corner and a huge tv.

This room wasn't the room that I expected from an office. It looks like a rich kid's playroom or what. I know Grandfather's rich but he's not a kid anymore!

I rolled my eyes in disgust trying to hold my laughter as I went closer to his desk.

It was amazing and it was filled with artworks made by him. It was all carved and was covered with glass.

Tok. Tok. Tok

"Come in, please." As I stood straight and fixed my hair.

I heard the door opened and an unfamiliar man appears.

I've never seen him before. I stared at him and observed keenly.

He was really tall and he had this chiseled jaw and this broad shoulders that every man would want to have.



Oops! 😂 I have to leave some cliff-hanger there. Next Chapter will be published next Friday. Toodles! 😘

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