Part 1

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"Commander Larson, we found an invader." One of the soldiers said as he stood tall, full of pride with a half smile on his face. He harshly threw the captive on the ground causing him to grunt in pain as he stayed still on the floor. His face was red, still oozing of blood from the cuts along the shape of his face.

"Where there more?" Commander Larson spoke firmly, momentarily stopping his work. His voice was rough.

"No sir. We did a thorough sweep of the property. It's just him." The soldier replied.

Without an once of remorse the commander said, "Kill him. And make sure to clean the mess?"

"Yes sir." The soldier waiting for the commander to leave. When the door shut behind him, he pulled out a gun, pointed it towards the captives head and pulled the trigger. The echo of the gunshot lingered.


I turned twenty today. My family, friends and I finished celebrating another year of life; an achievement not many get to have nowadays. The balcony from my bedroom was my favorite place to admire the late night sky. It was the one thing that made me forget the type of word I live in. It was the one time where I felt I could transport myself to another place where things were better. Wishful thinking, if I'm being honest.

Fifty years ago this country was in war against a new government created by Mark Larson. He came from a filthy rich family. He wanted power and control, claiming he could be the change this country needed; he became obsessed with the idea. He didn't agree with the policies, laws, or anything for that matter. The timeline of when it actually began was blurry, but once he became obsessed with the idea of overthrowing the government, there was nothing that could stand in his way. He had money by the handfuls, convinced powerful government officials and began recruiting men and woman to become soldiers. When he declared war, the connections and partnerships he made, made it easy for him to collapse the government and all defense. It was easy for him and once in power, he wanted no time making changes.

Our new society is based on many rules people have to follow. To give you an idea of how our society works here's some things:

1. No one from a different country is allowed to enter ours unless they are business partners and are here to negotiate trade. If they manage to enter and are caught, they'll be executed regardless of age or gender. No one is allowed to leave either, if they're caught trying to escape they'll be executed.

2. Everyone that is capable of working has to work, doesn't matter in what as long as it's legal. Starting from the age of 14 you'll be entered into the workforce and placed in a job if you can't decide for yourself.

3. Everyone is required to go to school and graduate. You are free to choose the career you want as long as you finish it and start working right away. There is no excuse for people not to go to school. Failure to do so results in execution.

4. Families are limited to a max of 5 which includes the two parents and 3 children, but any child after the third will be put to sleep or taken to private sector.

5. By the time you're 30 you're supposed to be married. You are free to chose who you want to marry even if it's the same gender, but if you aren't married by then, you'll be placed in an arranged marriage. Marriages are to be respected, any form of cheating or affairs results in the execution of all parties involved.

6. Organizations, marches, riots, or anything that goes against the Larson Government will result in the execution of the members and their families regardless of age, sex, sickness, or involvement with the organization.

These are just some of the rules, there's more but that's too much to go into. A sudden knock on my door caught my attention.

"Come in!" I yelled from the balcony.

"What are you thinking about?" My mother asked as she took a seat on the chair next to me.

"About the type of world we live in." I said still looking up at the sky.

"What about our world?" My mom said.

"How is it possible for one man to take over such a big country?" I asked looking at my mom.

"I don't know Flavia. But I guess he was smart and patient, otherwise he would've failed miserably and our society wouldn't be governed by the Larson's." She said and looked out into the night.

"Do you think it's possible?" I said.

"What's possible?" She asked confused.

"What Jacob's doing." I said turning my body to face her.

"Honesty I don't know. Only time will tell." She said looking back at me.

"What if he fails?" I said.

"Then I guess we all die together as a family." She simply said shrugging her shoulders.

"Aren't you scared?" I questioned.

"Not really. If anything I'm intrigued by your brothers idea." She said smiling.

"What if he fails and realizes that we're just not powerful enough."

"Like I said before Flavia, we'll die together as a family. But at least we'll die knowing that we tried to free the people from the Larson Government." She said and stood up from her chair. She kissed my forehead and left.

I never thought my brother would actually try and overthrow the type of government we have. He always said how much he hated the government. Always said that one day he'll come up with a plan to free the people. Now he actually is doing it and my parents are actually supporting him knowing that we can all die if we fail. But something deep down inside me tells me that we're not. I don't know why I feel like this, but I do.


Hi readers this is my second book that I write so I would like to know what you guys think about it.

This is the first chapter of the book and if I get some readers then I'll keep writing., comment, or share.


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