Chapter 3

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"Yeah i am" he said it in a mysterious manly tone and then quite loudly pulled up a chair and sat across from me in the circle.
"Your 45 minutes late mikey ill let you off this time" 43 minutes 20 seconds to be exact
"Sorry miss ill make sure im early next time maybe i can help you with the coffee aswell" he said it sarcastically and i couldnt help but smile at it but quickly stopped when i realised he was staring at me with his deep brown eyes.

I kept having to look at him i didnt know him but i was intrigued yet i wouldnt want to say anything to him because what would he want with a girl like me.

Finally it was over. I got my stuff and as normal i didnt want to do that soppy goodbye until we see eachother next because unless you werent going to the next meeting we were seeing eachother in 4 days which wasnt long enough gap for me. I stood outside and the cold winter evening managed to freeze me under my 4 layers of clothing so i just stood there shivering waiting for my dad. But then all of a sudden i heard footsteps and a deep voice said "hey, georgie isnt it?"

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