Agni Kai

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Hello guys I hope you liked the last chapter. Well there is not much to say so hope you like this chapter as well. And of course feel free to vote and comment. Bye!!!

Normal pov
"Don't worry Azaria I will be fine!" Zuko said to her as he got ready for his agni Kia or fire duel. Azaria could not help but worry. After all he was probably fighting a war General that had had years of training and experience. Azaria couldn't help but feel like this was not right he should not have to fight an agni Kia just because he spoke against a general's disloyal plan. Before going out Azaria gave him a big hug. Please don't get burned Zuko she thought in her head.

The two opponents turned to face each other. A surprised look seemed to be on everyone's face when they saw that his opponent standing in front of him was none other than the firelord (his father).

Azaria pov

I stood there in the front row stunned to see who it was. I saw a streak of fear slaped across my brothers face. Uncle standing next to me could not bear to watch. Me still stunned just stood there.

Once Zuko saw who it was he began to plead and beg for mercy. He got down on his knees pleading it broke my heart to see my older brother about to suffer and it made me angry. As I watched dad stand in front of Zuko telling him to stand and fight. My anger grew. Since Zuko refused to stand and fight dad began to burn him. I felt the heat on my skin as I watched one tear coming out of my eye. Uncle lost grip of my hand as he began to turn away. A loud scream of pain came from Zuko as he began to faint because of the pain of the heat. Finally my anger grew so large that it began to burst out. The whole crowd gasp to see a large blue flame come from the stands where the large crowd of people sat watching the agni kai. The blue fire blast went right past dad's head.

Normal pov
Ozai turned around angrily to see his own dauhter standing in the front row where the crowd sat. Iroh (uncle) was looking at her surprised as well. Azaria's face was serious and cold. "Are you challenging me daughter!" Azaria looked over at Zuko still passed out in the ring and then said "Yes!" She was tired that all her life dad had been behind everything and she realized Did dad really love her? Did he really love mom, Zuko, Azula? Again the two opponents turned to face each other. Then got into their stances.

Azaria pov

Dad shot the first blast at my left so I took it and shot it back at him. After dodging he shot four more at me. I barely dodged them all. I kept shooting blast but he dodged them all. I felt all of the heat coming from the flames. "I then began to think what happens if I lose." I had not really thought this threw.

Normal pov.

Azaria dodged all of the fire blast until she saw an opening and took it. She came running up at Ozai who was caught of guard and was suddenly in his mind kicked in the stomach. Knocking him back not far across the ring a raged look then came on his face. Azaria was proud of herself had she really just kicked the fire lord. While recovering from his fall Azaria came from the side attempting maybe a shot at winning this. As she was coming up he then got up quick by surprise smacking her across her face. Sending her flying back across the ring rolling violently until she came to a stop. She sat there for a minute clutching her arm that felt like it had been broken while rolling across the pavement. Her necklace (the one uncle gave her) was knocked off of her neck and thrown across the ring. She began to get back up weakly not noticing Ozai walking up. Trying to make her stay to the ground he kicked her in the chest. Making her land on her back, because of the way she landed she was now coughing and panting violently having trouble breathing. She was in shock and scared also too weak to try to get up. Azaria noticed a shining little trinket sitting on the ground in front her head. Looking up at it she began to reach with her left arm which was still broken she could barely move it but the other arm could not reach. Suddenly hearing footsteps walk up towards her body. She knew she had lost but was not going to give up yet. She tried to struggle and kick to get up. When a large foot came down on her chest. Still squirming and moving struggling to get out of his grasp. Ozai began to get ready to burn her. Azaria let a tear fall pout of her eye as she braced herself. A loud scream came from her mouth as her father burned her left arm. Seeing all red and feeling a great pain from the heat she began to faint and passed out.

1 hour later Azaria pov

I woke up to find me laying on a low bed in the medical room in the fire nation palace that sat low to the ground. My arm was in a full cast and sling partially because of my broken arm and I am guessing the burn too. As I got up my legs were wobbly and I began to limp. My head had a huge head ache. I then noticed Zuko sitting in the corner. Zuko!!! I said. I began to try to limp over to him on the other side of the room but fell to my knees. "Oh your up!" Zuko said helping me up from the ground. I noticed that his right eye was in a bandage on his face. I-I am sorry Zuko I said with a sigh. He pulled me into a tight hug. I heard someone come around the corner and began to get scared. I could feel Zuko's heart beginning to beat faster. I let out a gasp of relief to see that it was only Uncle. "Princess Azaria what are you doing you need rest." Uncle said motioning for me to get back on the bed. A big sigh came out I hated having injuries because I had to stay still. "I think I have something of yours!" He said to me holding up my Dragon necklace that he had given me so many years ago that had been knocked off of me during the agni kai. He put it around my neck. Thank you uncle I said before hugging him. "I am sorry to tell you Zuko and Azaria that you have received a letter from the firelord." He pulled a scroll with the fire nation symbol on it.
By fire lord decree I banish Prince Zuko of the fire nation. For showing weakness in the agni kai. For now I am taking his birth right. He can not return home or have his thrown back until he finds and captures the avatar. Uncle read. We had a moment of silence.
When does he have to leave? I said holding my head down. "Today" uncle said with a sigh.

Later that night

Zuko came to my room sadly he was finally about to leave. He gave me a tight hug as tears began to roll down my face. I love you he said to me making me even sadder. Watching him leave was heartbreaking. I watched as they were loading the last things onto the ship out of my bedroom window. Why should he leave and not me? Why would dad do this? Because he doesn't love me! I thought in my head. I could not live in a place so boring and meaningless and without love. The only people that truly loved me were Uncle and Zuko.  At that moment I knew what I was going to do. I grabbed my bag and started packing. I grabbed my brush then some of my cloths and left my room. When I got outside Zuko's ship was departing. I could not let them leave. Taking a risk I threw my bag as hard as I could as it landed hard on the ship floor. I jumped up on a stack of barrels and jumped as far as I could landing on the ship with a thud falling on my side. At the around of a large thud noise on top of the deck I saw two figures come up. It was Zuko and Uncle. At the corner of my eye I caught a small glimpse of a figure looking out of his balcony at the leaving ship before being pulled into a tight group hug.

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