Chapter 1

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*chats pov*
I knocked on marinette's window and all I could here was a little shriek. She's so damn cute.
"Hey princess!"
"Ahhh, you scared me you damn cat!"
"Oh, did i?"
"Yes you did, and why are you here exactly?"
"Well, I just wanted to see my Princess."
"W-well o-ok!"
Did she just blush?? No, wait yes I'm pretty sure she did!
"Well got to go my Princess!" I bowed down and kissed her hand, she smells sweet. And that was the end of that.
*Marinette's pov*
"D-did he just..."
"I'm pretty sure he did." Tiki exclaimed.
"Oh shut it!" I threw my cat pillow at her but she of course dodged it. Dang it! Why couldn't she have not dodged it!
"Goodnight tiki.."
"Night marinette, but remember you still have patrol!"
"Yeah, Yeah I know.."
*chats pov*
I wonder why she's late? Oh well I guess I'll start without my lady.
"Chat sorry I'm late!"
"It's ok my lady I don't mind wating."
"Good, I'll take the way that you go this time ok?"
"Ok my lady, or should I call you bugaboo?"
"Please don't call me that! It's so annoying!"
"Ok, bugaboo!"
"You damn cat I'm gonna kill you!"
"Hey, I thought we were on a team?!"
"We are but I can still think about wanting to kill you can't i?"
"You have cat to be kitten me right now!"
"I'm not! Especially when you say cat puns!"
"Ouch, that heart me on the inside my lady!"
"You are so unbearable!"
"I am? Wait did you just make a pun?!"
"No I didn't!" Did she just smirk!?
"Yes you did!"
"Let's just go on patrol the city already!"
*ladybug's pov*
Man why does he have to be so annoying!! Boom!
"W-what w-was that!"
"I think it was a boom my lady."
"Of course it was a boom did you not think I knew that!"
"By the way you sounded, yes."
"Oh, tais-toi!"
"I will not tais-toi!"
"Well you better because...
I was cut off mid sentence by another explosion.
"Gahh!" I feel back into someone.
"Are you okay my lady!"
"Y-yeah I'm just fine." I struggled a little to get up at first, but then chat picked me up.
"Put me down chat!"
"Fine, but for now I've let you of the hook."
"Ha-ha very funny."
"What, I wasn't trying to be funny!"
"Oh, sure you weren't."
"Well, enough with that let's see if this is another acuma."
We ran up on the rooftops to try to see if we could see the acuma.
"There it is" I shouted and almost scared chat noir to death. "You really are a scaredy cat aren't you"
"N-no I'm not"
"I'm explobomb, hand over your miraculous or prepare to DIE!"
I dodged many of the bombs but one of them hit my foot, but it did hurt like hell even though I only got minor burns instead of my foot getting blown off.
"My lady are you okay?"
"Y-yeah I'm fine"
"What am I supposed to do with this?" Hmm I looked around and thought of absolutely brilliant plan!
"Chat noir distract him!"
"As always my lady!" After I instructed him to district him chat noir started dancing?
I leapt of a wall of a building did a flip and cut the explobomb's watch. A black butterfly came out.
"Time to de-evilise!" I captured the butterfly in my yo-yo and waited a minute before I let it go. "Bye,bye little butterfly! Miraculous ladybug!" All the destruction disappeared and the acuma turned back to a young man.
"Pound it!" We both said in unison.
"I got to go"
"Wait please stay!" exclaimed chat noir
"I can't let anyone see who I am, neither can you."
*chats pov*
Uhh I just want to know who my lady is! I slipped through my window in my room and fell on my bed right when I transformed back.
"Can you give me my camembert already!" Shouted plagg.
"Go get it yourself it's in the fridge!"
"Mr. Agreste, here's your schedule"
"Huh, oh thanks Natalie"
"Is something wrong Mr. Agreste?"
"No I'm just really tired"
"If your tired try to get to bed earlier"
"Yes natalie" I looked at my alarm clock and saw it was 8:40. Shoot, if I don't hurry I'll be late. I quickly got ready and stuffed plagg into my pocket.
"Hey, be more careful!"
"Hey, Adrien what's up"
"Huh, oh nothing much Nino"
"Are you okay man, you seem kinda down in the dumps?"
"I'm fine"
We walked into class just before the bell rang.

Hi guys I'm yu na and this is my first time I wrote a story like this so please give me some love and no hate? K guys!
-yu na

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