Chapter 13

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Marinette slowly arose from her bed which was just a mass of sheets by now. "Marinette, wake up or you are  going to be late for school." Tikki repeatedly kept poking the poor girls cheek. "Tikki, five more minutes"
"Marinette, WAKE UP!" The yelling of her kawami woke the girl out of her dazed state. "Tikki what the hell I was trying to sleep!" Marinette was pretty pissed, surprising Tikki since she is usually pretty calm. Unless she is fangirling about Adrien. "But Marinette, don't you want to see Adrien, your boyfriend~?" Tikki questioned her in a sly voice, teasing her until she confessed.

"Oh shit, I almost forgot we were dating!" The girl cursed a mouthful of colorful words while rummaging through her closet. "Aha!" She finally found the outfit she was looking for.

She carefully sprinted into her bathroom, trying not to trip over thin air

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She carefully sprinted into her bathroom, trying not to trip over thin air.

~Marinette's POV~

I set down my clothes on the lid of my toilet. I undressed and hopped into my creamy white shower. My fingers laced over the curtain as I tugged it back covering me. My hand clasped around the knob as I turned it making steamy, hot water run down my back. I skimmed over the various bottles of soaps. I snatch a green bottle and squirt a dollop of the product on my hands. I rub my hands together working up a lather before I scrub it throughout my hair. I hurriedly finish my shower and turn off the water. I step out of the shower, being blasted by cold air at the same time. I quickly dry off and change into my clothes. (Image above) I fix my hair into a bun leaving some strands lose. I dust my face with a light blush and apply a thin coat of lip gloss.  My hand clamps around the door knob as I swing the door open.

"Oh Marinette you look absolutely wonderful!" Tikki clasped her hands together as I saw her eyes, sparkle? how is that even possible? Oh right, she's pretty much a supernatural being. "You think so Tikki, I hope Adrien will like it..." I looked down glumly as I let out a distressed sigh. "Marinette don't worry he will love it!" I glance over at my alarm clock and notice it's...8:30!!?? "Tikki I'm going to be late, come on let's go!" Tikki flies into my purse as I burst through the door. I slip on my black flats and grab my backpack, slinging it onto my back. I zoom down the stairs hurriedly grabbing a quiche and run out the door. I slow down my sprint to a steady jog since I live very close to school. I finish my quiche a block before I reach the school. I continue walking until I hear a voice that makes me stop in my tracks. "Marinette!~" I turn around and I'm bombarded with a bone crushing hug. "Gah, Luna don't do that!" (You guys probably thought it was Adrien but nope!) "Sorry Marinette, I just haven't seen you in forever~!" I faceplam and pry her arms off of me so I can actually breath. "It's only been 2 days Luna. So did you find Damian?" She looks up at me, her eyes glazed over with tears. OH HELL NO, I am so bad at comforting people! "H-he c-came back, b-but I accidently hit h-him with a bat. B-But don't worry he-he's fine now." She shakes her hands feverishly in my face denying it . "Oh, I'am so glad you found him. But why did you beat him upside the hed with a bat!?" Luna twiddled her thumbs as she slowly, but truthfully answered my question to her own dismay. "Well the last time somebody came to my house i-in the middle of the night was a d-drunk man. H-he harassed me and did un-unspeakable things." I pulled Luna into a tight hug making her gasp in surprise. "I will always be here for you Luna if you ever need to talk, OK?" Luna nodded her head in response and I let go of my tight embrace. "Come on, let's walk to school together!" Luna swiftly grabbed my hand and sprinted down the sidewalk, dragging me behind while getting strange looks from passerby's. 'what am I going to do with her?'

I wonder if Adrien is at school waiting for me. I hope he isn't off somewhere kissing other girls. He wouldn't cheat on me, right?

New update finally!  Sorry I haven't updated in a while guys I had finals again and I has to help my father with work. Just speaking about my father sends shivers up my spine. Hahaha well Sayanora guys! -yu na (Lulu)

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