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  • Dedicated to Logan White

Chapter 1

(make sure to read the prelude first)

We were finally pulling into the driveway. I rushed up to my room to escape him. Why did he have to be spending the night tonight? I got to my room and rushed to change into my favorite fuzzy shorts and a black tanktop. I ran downstairs to eat a quick snack knowing I wouldn't fall asleep for a while and would need something to tide me over. I decided on chips and salsa. Caleb and Charlie came down in their pjs for a snack too. I noticed he was shirtless and has very nice abs. I should NOT be thinking that!

"Chips and salsa look delicious, Michelle, please leave them out for us," stated Caleb. He was just trying to get on my nerves and we all knew it. I ate as fast as I could, stuffing chips in my mouth so fast I almost choked. The boys gave me weird looks but I didn't care 'cuz I had to get away from him. It was like this weird force was pulling us closer together. I felt this need to touch him. I had to get away before I did something I would regret. I ran to my room and jumped onto my bed. How could I feel this way about my worst enemy. I hate him! It makes absolutely no sense at all. I could tell he was unhappy even though he was on a different floor, in a different room. How can I know that? I closed my eyes and prayed for sleep to come. It didn't.

 I lay there waiting for them to come up and go to bed. After about thirty minutes I finally heard the tromping of the two teenage boys coming up the stairs. I jumped when someone knocked on my door. Charlie poked his head in when I grumbled a response. He gave me this weird look then smiled and said good night. Well that was weird, I thought to myself once he left. He usually just ignored me. I decided I really needed to get him out of my head so I grabbed my mp3 and turned it up full blast.

I woke up the next morning and realized I had fallen asleep and there was not a single dream about Charlie. Yay! I then realized I was thinking about my worst enemy and my happiness deflated. I jumped up and started getting dressed. I was about to throw on some sweats when I remembered he had spent the night and I quickly changed to a pair of jeans and a cute tanktop. I ran downstairs for breakfast just to run into him at the bottom. Literally. We bumped into eachother but before I could fall he caught me. I found myself staring into his eyes when Caleb cleared his throat and I quickly looked away and mumbled a mix between sorry and thanks. We all sat at the table to our decident meal of cereal. I rushed through it and fought the urge to stare at him. What was going on? I detest him!

I rushed upstairs after eating and sat on my bed and thought. This was going to be a long weekend at this rate. He was staying again tonight and going to church with us in the mornig. I could not act weird around him with the youth group. They would totally guess somehting was up. I sighed deeply and tried to come up with a solution. I was failing miserably when Caleb came in. He sat next to me and sai "You like Charlie now don't you?". I quickly denied it and urged him to leave. When he didn't I shoved him out. How could he figure me out so easily?

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