Chapter 5

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"Why didn't she ask me then?" David said turning off the TV

"I dunno, why don't you go find out?" Mikey said climbing to the top of the bunk.

"Um okay, I guess I will.." David got up and walked out of the room, and headed for the girls room. He knocked on the door

"Come in!" Luna yelled from inside.

The door slid open and slid closed once David entered the room. "Whatcha doing?" He said as he sat next to her legs, on the bed, she was laying on.

"Oh nothing just waiting for some guy to text me back" she responded bluntly.

"how long has it been?" David said noticing the blunt tone in her voice

"15 whole minutes.." She whined

"Woww.." He laughed and quickly cleared his throat "he's probly busy" he said trying to make her feel better

"what if he's not.. I'm gonna end up living with wood land creatures" she pouted

"No your not" he chuckled

"Easy for you to say, you will probably be the next robin or something.." Luna flopped her face into her pillow and groaned

"Look he's a jerk for not answering back, plus your way to awesome for him" he smiled

Luna looked up from her pillow "I am awesome aren't I " she smiled slightly

"The awesomest" he winked

"I don't need no man" she sat up and put her hands on her hips

"Preach it besti" he laughed and changed the conversation quickly. "so you wanna watch TV?" He shrugged

"Okay" she shurged and jumped off the bed. "but I get to pick the channel" she grinned

They both walked to living room and turned on the TV after a while of binge watching shows, Luna noticed David was on his phone

"you better not be playing some stupid obsessive game over there" Luna scolded

"oh Im not its just that your friend keeps texting me" David said not taking his eyes off his phone.

"you mean Lisa?" She raised her eyebrows

"Yeah, I'm like 90% sure she likes me" he shrugged "should... I um... Ask... Her out you know if your ok with because she's your friend" he scratched the back of his neck nervously.

"yea am ok with it" she shrugged and then scooted over to him to look at the texts "don't put too many hahas in your texts" she pointed out

"Thanks for the help" he smiled

"No prob" she smiled back

"Okay im officially putting the phone down" David said he phone away and then putting his arm around her. It wad normal for yhe both of them since they were sich good friends.

Luna looked up at him and smiled snuggling into him. but then she looked back down and her smile faded...


Sorry for the slow updates I hope you enjoyed this chapter:)

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