one - pack your bags, boys

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I let out a huge sigh as I try to keep my focus on the book that I'm currently reading. But it's so hard to focus when a certain map across the room is distracting me. I slammed the book shut and stood up to walk over to the map on the wall.

"You plan on going to a new town again, huh?" I turned around to face my brother who asked me this typical question as he took his eyes off his phone to look at me.

"Don't you miss going on a roadtrip, Cal?" I asked as I sat beside him on the couch.

"Not really, considering that our Asian tour of Sounds Live Feels Live just ended. The boys and I have been touring and I would like to rest for now, thank you." Calum chuckled before he took out his phone which had the Snapchat app open. He faced the front cam on our faces with the filter of face swap. The outcome was hilarious because Calum looked like he'd be a pretty girl if he had long hair.

"Stop that!" I laughed, pushing his phone away. I faced him as I continued, "I'm being serious here."

"That was a serious answer, too. I really don't miss road trips right now because I've been touring so much lately." Calum pouted.

"No, what I meant is, do you miss going on road trips with me?" I said, rephrasing my question.

Calum let out a long "Awww." as he wrapped his arm around my shoulder. "Of course I miss traveling with you, Sav. You're my sister and I would do anything to spend more time with you." He said.

This time, it was my turn to say a long "Awww."

"What did you eat? Why are you so sweet to me? I hope you're not taking drugs now." I joked.

"I hate you." Calum said, looking at me with a straight face.

"Nah, you don't. Everyone loves me." I said, sticking out my tongue at him.

"That's true." A familiar voice spoke up.

I turned my head to the direction of that voice and squealed as I saw the three guys who just entered the house.

"Ashton!!" I quickly stood up from the couch and ran towards Ashton. We fist bumped and he ruffled my hair. I pouted as I noticed that he's so much taller than the last time I saw him.

"You're still so short, Sav." Ashton laughed at me as I playfully punched him.

"Can I just say it's false that everyone loves you because I don't?" Michael joked.

"Michael!!" I laughed before high fiving him. I reached out to touch his now blue dyed hair. "Back to smurf now, are we?" I said.

"Yep. Might change it soon though, I don't know yet."

"It looks cool if you ask me." A voice, from behind Michael, said.

"Lukeyyy." I called out.

"Savvyyy." The tall blond called back as he walked towards me and wrapped me in a bear hug. We hugged like that for a few long seconds.

Calum coughed from behind us so we pulled away from each other. "A little too touchy there, Luke, don't you think?" He chuckled, to let us know that he was just joking.

"Jeez, Cal. That was just a friendly hug." I told him.

"I know, I'm just kidding!! I'm not some douchey over protective brother. " Calum said, which resulted with everyone in the room laughing.

"Now boys, take a seat on the couch please as I am about to pick my next destination." I said, gesturing them towards the couch.

"Wow," Luke breathed out, "You're almost done covering the entire California."

I just nodded my head while all of the boys stared at my map that is now full of darts, which marks that I've been to that place already.

"Hand me a dart, Cal." I said as I laid out my palm. Calum opened the drawer that holds all of my silver darts. He grabbed one and placed it on my hand.

"Now step aside, guys. I don't want to stab anyone with a dart." I laughed.

I looked at the map carefully and noticed that there are like only three or five places left that I haven't visited. I positioned my hand and threw the dart effortlessly at the map.

"Woah, nice arm." Ashton remarked so I lifted the sides of my dress and took a bow.

Luke was the first one to walk over to the map to see where the dart landed. He read the small letters on the map carefully.

"Bacon hills?" Luke read, which came out like a question.

"What's that, some kind of breakfast town?" Michael asked in sarcasm.

I walked closer to the map and stood beside Luke so I could see the name of town where the dart had landed.

"It's Beacon Hills, you idiots." I said, punching Luke's arm. "What happened to you? Can't read anymore?"

"The letters were really small!" Luke defended.

"This is why y'all shouldn't have dropped out of school." I smiled, shaking my head.

"What are you doing?" Luke asked when I sat back on the couch and opened my laptop. Luke and Michael sat beside me on my left while Calum and Ashton sat beside me on my right.

"I'm gonna look the place up to check it out." I shrugged.

I typed in "Beacon Hills" and clicked the first link that showed up, which was their official website.

"A hub where mysterious incidents occur." I read out loud.

"Nothing creepy about that." Michael remarked in sarcasm.

"I think it's pretty interesting." I told them.

"I-I think so too. The place seems cool." Luke stammered.

Michael started fake coughing while saying the word, "Ass-kisser." Luke just glared at him for a second.

"Let's look at some pictures." Calum said, taking over my laptop.

Turns out they have the famous Beacon Hills Preserve which is basically a forest.

"So guys, what do you think?" I asked them.

The boys looked at each other with confused faces before Luke asked, "Why are you asking us?"

I smiled and clasped my hands together.

"Because this time, I'm taking you guys with me." I announced and laughed at their priceless faces.

"So pack your bags, boys. We got a road trip tomorrow." I added with a wink before leaving the room.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 24, 2016 ⏰

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