The Accident

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Hey my puppies I wanted to do this before I started the chapter. Comment if you want more. I have writers block, because of school. Ug! Who hates school when you want to write stories. If we get 50 views than I might do a face reveal and a Q/A. Also the vote goal is 20 today. So, with that enjoy the chapter.

Aphmau's pov

I woke up to the last bell of the day which is the bell that means school is over. Wow. I slept for a long time. I got of the bed, but I had a headache. I grabbed my stuff and went home.

      When I got home I saw Asher playing with our dog Thorgie. Asher threw the ball, but it went into the road. Thorgie ran after it. "THORGIE!! DON'T RUN AFTER IT!!!" *BOOM!* Thorgie was laying lifeless on the ground.

         I ran out to Thorgie as the person who hit him was still driving. I picked Thorgie up and a bright white light shown out of my hands. Thorgie was standing on the road with his tung hanging out of his mouth panting. " APHMAU!" Asher yelled as I passed out.
*time skip to the next morning*
Sorry I haven't been uploading. I have been having family issues. I also saw a hate comment witch made me a little upset that it was my first chapter and I had already gotten hate. If there is anymore hate that is ok I just don't read hate. I hope you enjoyed my puppies and bu-by!!!

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