Chapter 2

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Wow! The new house whas so big and... who whas that cute and atractive guy who could be  my age,I said that louder so my mum could hear. Well rigth there was the big house with the cute boy looking at me with his brown eyes, brown hair,nice body and a taste for fashion, now that was my kind of guy.

He  welcomed me and my parents and told us that he was our nabors son. The cute guy lives nextdoor to us that was awesome.

We saw a woman in the window and she was shouting that she was the sails-agent and that was her son Thomas...Thomas?
It sounds so familiar.Our sails-agent lives next door?

Well enough about him let me talk about the's umm...well...a house?
By the sound of that I don't like the house at all! My parents like any other don't care that you don't like the new house.

Brown and boring that is all I can say.

The next thing that happend was my mom shouting the words “time to unpack” every lazy teens nightmare.

Done!! I'm done, time to eat in our new and ugly, brown, dusty and sortoff smelly house well not realy but I'm trying to tell my parents I don't like the house.

O, take-out for dinner...nice but it's chinese,no!!

Going to bed feeling like you want to throw-up and you didn't eat at all is... crule not realy but you know what I mean.

Words like lights out is a sleepy teens most favourite words to hear.

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