The 5th Night

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Mike hated being a night guard. He had spent the last four nights cooped up in the office. He had had nothing to do except for the occasional closing of the door. But things has been getting weird lately. The animatronics had just been staring into the cameras and havi g spasms. Mike was really freaked out. This was not some job for a kid, even though Mike was 16 it still scared him. Suddenly on the camera screen, a employees only door creaked open and just when it was fully open the cameras shut off."@$&#" he muttered. He had no idea what was going on. He quickly glanced at the clock, It was only 5:40!!! When the cameras finally turned on he saw a mysterious figure standing outside his door! He tried to close the door but something stopped it! He moved as far away from the door as possible he heard a loud moan as the figure moved into the office. It was about as big as a normal man and had the biggest teeth you've ever seen. It's eyes were dark sockets with a tiny illuminated dot in the middle. Mike screamed! The huge thing stepped into the light of the desk lamp and it became clear what it was. It was a huge animatronic rat! Just when the rat was about to kill Mike, the click turned from 5:59 to 6:00. Mike sighed with relief as the rat froze in the middle of trying to bite Mike. Then Mike threw up. Next thing he knew, he had a flying sensation before hitting the ground.

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