75% of the Marauders

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I didn't know what I was expecting when I was kidnapped. A surprise "HEY YOU'RE ALIVE" party would have been nice, though. 

Instead, I got three boys and an uncomfortable sack. 

So, I sat there, in that room, tied up. 

First of all, I don't even know how they managed to tie me up. Probably because I was, hmm, IMMOBILE. Wow, I am so insufferable. Sometimes I wonder how my friends put up with me. 


Isn't that just bloody wonderful?

I mean, it's not like I should expect something, but I just continue to. I continue to hope, that faint light in my heart that seems to flicker occasionally. I don't want to, but I do. 

They stepped out of the shadows like some sort of horror movie, but instead of three demons, I was met by the equivalent: Remus Lupin, James Potter, and Sirius Black. Seventy-five percent of the Marauders, the main masterminds. 

I sighed, knowing that I was now mobile, but tied up. "So, why'd you guys kidnap me?" My eyes were clouded with a thick fog of death. "I don't really care what you're going to do, just get it over with so I can go on." The boys just stared at me, gaping. "Surely you didn't think that you'd get that much of a reaction, did you?"

"Well, maybe just a little," Potter spoke. 

"Well, you got none," I said. 

"We know that," Black snapped. 

"Wow, you're almost as bad as the Slytherins," a bitter laugh escaped my throat. "Now, why did you bring me here? Let's get this over with." Lupin sighed.

"Did you attempt suicide?"

"No, why the hell would you think that? I'm about to, though, if you keep me here like a hostage."

"Well, then why did we find you by the Black Lake, barely alive?"

"Why didn't you just leave me there?" I asked, my eyes cold, "It would've been better for all of us. I don't want to live anymore. This world is cruel, and I hate it. I just want to sleep forever, eternally, never having to move." The boys shared a look, and began looking through my bag, before finding  the purple journal. 

"So, you've decided to create some spells to inflict pain?" Black asked.

"Sure, whatever. Please, just leave me alone. I don't like you guys, you guys don't like me. Can't we just live like that?"

"What happened to Fern the Fanged Plant from the train ride?" Lupin said. 

"She died in the Black Lake," I retorted. "Now, please leave me alone."

"No, you're being a bitch, Fern, and that's not like you," Black said rudely. 

"Now, now, now, Mr. Black, why so serious?" I laughed. "You barely know me. What, you think that one train ride counts as an eternal friendship? How stupid are you? Did you think that we had something, or that we're bestie now? I hate you guys. No, I loathe you. I want you all to jump off of the astronomy tower."

"This isn't you, Fern," Potter shook his head, "It might have been one train ride, but you were different. Happy. And what do you mean the Black Lake? What happened? Please, tell us. We want to help you."

"No, no, no, you don't," my heart began to pound. There's no escape. "I'm not going to tell you. Never."

"Ever?" Lupin looked crestfallen. 

"Never," I hissed. I blinked, and looked around, whispering, "Please let me go."

"Don't do it, mate," Sirius said to Remus.

"We'll release you when you tell us what happened,"James sighed.

"Okay," I said quietly. They just want to help, right? "It all started with Lucius Malfoy and the Slytherins. Reg, I don't remember where he was when this went down. I can't remember what he did, or if he was even there." My gaze softened and I grew even quieter. "Anyways, they basically kidnapped me, performed an unforgivable, and Snape's curse... I was bleeding and sinking, and I never learned how to swim... Then I was choking, and then I was on land -thanks to the Giant Squid, and then I woke up in the hospital wing... That's basically the short summary." 

"Oh, Fern..." Sirius shook his head, James was staring at the floor, and Remus had slid against the wall, sitting down. 

"Can I go now?" I asked, and the nodded. A deal was a deal after all. They untied me, and I took my bag and journal, and walked out. As I left, the door disappeared behind me. 

The Marauders are strange. 

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