Chapter 6: Tell Me About Your Best Friend

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Please read the Author's Note at the end!!


After the boys left I stayed over at Louis flat so we could just hang out. I was sprawled out on the floor waiting for Louis to finish his turn for Twenty Questions. It was his turn to question me. We both decide getting to know each other was nessacary if we were going to continue into any further into our relationship. When it was my turn to question I learned more about his friends and his sisters and all his favorite things. So far he had asked about my favorite color,animal,food,book,movie and well pretty much all my favorites. Then he took a bathroom break.

He walked back into the room and said,

"Ok where was I? Oh yea! Tell me about your best friend!"

As soon as the words left his mouth I froze. How do I answer this without mentioning Ashley? She is my best friend but she's gone and now I don't have one and that panics me. Will I ever find a new bet friend? That's all I can think.

"Jennifer? Are you okay?" Louis questions rushing to me snapping me out of my thoughts and making me realize I was crying. I quickly wiped away my tears and stood up.

"Yea I'm fine. Um it's getting close to dinner time I should probably go." I say as I rush around getting my shoes and stuff to go.

"Are you sure?" Louis asks. I nod and make my way to the door. Leaving Louis there standing confused.

I came home to a note saying my parents were at a business dinner. Perfect. I walk upstairs changing into my favorite pair of sweats and flopping onto my bed bursting into tears. I missed her. I needed her here with me. She was the only one who understood me. She was the only friend I had. Now I'm in a foreign country and she's dead. I'm alone and afraid and sad. And now Louis probably thinks I'm a freak so I won't even have him to distract me from thoughts of her. I get out of my bed,tears still streaming down my face and grab the shoebox from under my bead its full of photos of us. I sit there crying as I go through remembering all the good times and missing her.

Louis P.O.V

What did I say? She looked so upset and in pain. I sat frantically worrying about her for about 30 minutes after she left before I decided to go check on her. I put a beanie on my head grabbed my keys and drove straight to her house. I knocked and the door fell open. I called out but heard no answer. I slowly walked inside seeing the note her parents left and heading to her room. I slowly opened the door and saw her on her floor in tears looking at a box of pictures. I slowly walk over and sit down next to her. She looks up at me and hands me a picture of her and a girl around her age.

" That is my best friend Ashley. We grew up together and were inseparable. A few moths ago she was riding her bike to my house when a drunk driver hit her killing her on impact." She paused sobbing into my chest for a few minutes. Then continuing.

"She was the only friend I had and after she died my parents forces me to move here to well me "forget" about her. But I can't. All I can do is sit here blaming myself. She's gone because of me."

She sobbed into my chest as a held her close and calmed her down.

"It wasnt your fault baby. It's that drivers fault. Not yours. And you shouldn't forget her you parents were wrong to think you should. Baby it'll be okay. You just need to give yourself time to grieve."

I pulled the box off her lap and picked her up and laid her on her bed crawling in with her. I laid there cuddling we as she cried herself to sleep. So that's what she was hiding. That's why her smile didn't reach her eyes. That's horrible. I'll help her be happy again. That all I want. For her to be happy.

--------------------------------------------- OMG you guys are fabulous! OVER 200 reads that INSANE! Thank you thank you thank you thank you!!! Ok please vote and comment what you think! This chapters kinda long bur you guys deserve it! Thanks again!

~ Jennifer(: xxxxx

Copyright 2013 @loubearfangirl

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