Untitled Story Part

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I've never been what was considered a pretty girl.
Everyone told me that I was just an ugly fool.
Everyone made me get used to the stab wounds in my back.
Everyone knocked me down to be alone and left to die.
My dark thoughts agreed with their behavior.
The cuts on my wrists showed.
The words that they said just made the cuts deeper.
Next thing I knew I was on the bathroom floor.
I looked up to see the one who ended up saving me.
It was not a person, for it was a sound.
I've been there before. I know what it's like. Things will get better I promise you. Take my hand and fly away and forget. It said.
The lyrics it sang made me feel better.
All the cuts and stab wounds were healed. They told me it was okay. They were the only one who didn't lie.
They showed me it's okay not to be the pretty girl that everyone expects, because the only thing that matters is to be the pretty girl to no one but me.

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