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H: Just so all of you know this book is probably going to filled with sex, romance, break ups, near break ups and Broly constantly yelling at Turles to stop touching his ass.

Broly: Turles!! Stop it!

Turles: But that wasn't me. There a spider in your chair.

Spider: Hehehehe

Broly: Really? I don't believe you.

H: (●__●) Anyway, on with the story.


"Kakor, get up."


"For breakfast."


"To eat it."


"Because I want your cock."

"Wh--wait what?"

Kakarot gets up to find Vegeta with a towel wrapped around his chest (like a female). Vegeta's skin still glistening wet from the shower he just got out of. Kakarot's eyes traced every ounce of Vegeta's body. His firm but silk legs. His full lips. His wet hair slightly hanging. His body in full blown grown up form.

"I'm up now."

"Good. Broly made breakfast in the kitchen with Turles."

Kakarot blinked. Maybe he was a sleep. Maybe he didn't just get baited to only be forced to get up. Maybe he really wasn't awake in the first place. Just a dream he had about real life event. And in any minute he'll get ass. Vegeta's ass.

However, his hopes were crushed when Vegeta throw a pillow at his face still wrapped in the towel point to the door.

And this ladies and gentlemen is where our sequel begins.


Veggie: Breaking the fourth wall, are we?

H: Shut up!


Everyday was the same with Kakarot. Wake up. Take a shower. Eat what Broly cooks. Walk to morning classes with Turles. Lunch break with the gang. Walk to evening classes with Vegeta. Try very hard not to jump him because of what he's wearing. Go back to dorm. Sleep. Get up and do homework, if any. Eat what Vegeta cooks. Then go to sleep. Kakarot and Vegeta barely had any time for each other. With Vegeta taking extra curriculum classes and Kakarot taking all sport illustrated classes with the normal curriculum.

Sad. That is very sad. But with Turles. Ooooohhhh boy. All he got was ass. Let me tell you his schedule. Wake next to a naked Broly. Spoon until Broly wakes up. Morning sex. Take a shower. Go with Broly to Vegeta's dorm room. Grope Broly until Vegeta's out the shower. Help with cooking breakfast. Then walk with Kakarot to morning classes. Lunch break/bathroom break/bathroom sex. Walk with Broly to the only class they share. Sit in the back of the class and finger fuck Broly until he cums. (Note: Make sure he wears black leggings/jeggings.) Take Broly to bathroom to clean up. Tease him for the rest of the day. Go to Broly's dorm. Sleep until Broly gets home. Talk about how cute Broly looks when he blushes to make him blush. Do homework with Broly and do yours too. Eat what Vegeta cooks. Cuddle with Broly to go to sleep.

Yep. So much better with Turles but even the look-a-likes had two different life's the other two where wondering too.

'I think I should drop one of my classes to spend more time with Kakor. Make our relationship strong.' Vegeta thinks almost every time he see Kakarot.

'I'd wish he'd show me his heart. And not just that hard outer core shell. Doesn't he trust me. I wish our relationship wasn't all about sex. It would make our relationship stronger.' Broly thinks every time after sex with Turles.

But they weren't the only wonders. The look-a-likes had some wonders, too.

'Broly's always so quiet. He never shares anything with me. He always looks like he has something on his mind but never speaks it. Maybe he just wants me for the sex.' Turles thinks every time he looks at Broly.

'Honestly. It's almost like he's never here. We never spend time together. I wonder does he even still like me or just pities me." Kakarot thinks on his spare time.

Either side can decide whether to stay or leave. But their all will be in the biggest relationships test ever when there exes come around.

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