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"Happy Birthday Caroline." Mom grinned while smoothing down my brown strands of hair. I looked up to see the corners of her eyes crinkle has her smile grew brighter. I glanced at my father to see him slouching on the couch with a beer in one hand and a remote in the other. Mom followed my eyes, her smile almost instantly fell. "I-I know it's early but it's probably best if you head up to bed." She stuttered tripping over her own words. I stood up letting the chair scrape against the hardwood floor. Mom didn't take her eyes off him, she didn't even react when I pulled her against me into a hug.

"Goodnight Father." I scurried along the floor hearing a grunt as a response. Our house wasn't that grand. It was a raggedy old one story house that I have lived in ever since I can remember. Today was my sixteenth birthday. I smiled as I crawled into bed. "Sixteen." I breathed and shook my head. I have been dreaming of this moment since I was young, but I felt no different.

As soon as my head hit the pillow I heard a light bang on my window. Normally this would of scared me, but I felt the corners of my mouth lift into a small smile. I glided along the floor to the corner of my bedroom and opened the window. I was greeted with an electric smile and jazz hands. Rue. She pulled herself through my window and pulled herself up so she was on top of my chipped lime green dresser. Her bright red hair was pulled back into a mid high ponytail, she was wearing ripped shorts, and a loose black tank top. Rue was the most perfect person I knew. Her vibrant brown eyes could win anyone over, she wasn't skinny but she wasn't overweight, she was just sexy. There is no other way to describe it.

"There is no way you're going out like that Care." I looked down at my clothing. I was wearing a skirt that went slightly below my knees and a long sleeved neon shirt.

"Do you know how much convincing it took to wear this to school even?" I placed my hands on my hips.

"Oh yes, so much convincing. I saw you take off that sweater when you cleared the door." She pushed herself off the dresser to where she was in front of me. She held my face in her hands and smiled. "This is why I'm here, to help you...not look like a doofus." I pushed her hands away and grinned. She pulled out some things out of her bag that I didn't notice she was carrying. I was able to catch a glimpse at some of the things she slid out. Eyeliner, lipstick, scissors, and a leather jacket.

I sat on my bed and smiled, "Transform me." She looked at me and rolled her eyes.

"Stupid, the makeup is for me, you're too pretty for it." She smiled looking me up and down for a second just to go back to her bag. I scooted to the back of my bed to lean against the bed frame. She perfected her eyeliner in the tall mirror that covered a fist sized hole in the wall.

Once she was finished she turned and grabbed the scissors, "And what are you planning on doing with those?" I questioned actually worried. She motioned me over to her. "You wanted me to transform you right?" She said with a sweet smile. That smile wasn't comforting. She held out her hand and puckered her lips so she look like a sad puppy. Hesitantly, I reached for her hand so she could pull me up. She pulled me into a snug hug. I laughed. "What the hell is up with you?" She hugged me tighter. "I'm just worried you're not going to forgive me after I do this." I stiffened.

"What exactly-" She cut me off when she grabbed my hair and snipped it off. I restrained myself from screaming not wanting to wake my parents but pulled back and had tears in my eyes. I looked at her to see her sad eyes as well. I slowly reached to feel the back of my head and shrieked when I felt it. She got it all off in one. "Do you know what you've done?!?" I screamed as quiet as possible.

"Caroline, you can't let your parents control you forever."

"My Dad will kill me!"

Partially AwakeWhere stories live. Discover now