Chapter 2

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"Victor Grace." The kid sitting next me stood up and walked to get his certificate. He seemed honestly happy. He reached to shake our principle's hand and take the certificate with the other. He made his way to the middle of the stage and raised his arms in accomplishment at the podium. Victor tapped the microphone and smiled. "I've been waiting for this day since the first day of high school. Hell, since as far back as I can remember!" He was given a few dirty looks but most looks were considerate and positive. I was happy for him, I've known Victor for a long time but never really talked to him. Victor was one of those people you know but you don't know.

"Caroline Kyzer." I froze and my back went stiff. Why is this nerve racking? I should be running toward that guy just to take the degree. I stood up almost too quickly and made my way towards him. I could here cheers in the crowd. I was chosen by our council to speak in front of my peers this year. Was it because of my grades? Well, considering they asked me to mention the death of my best friend, I don't think that was really the reason. I practically snatched the degree like he was going to yank it back from me. He looked at me a little concerned and shook my hand. I took quick strides towards the podium and settled myself.

"Hello." My voice had a steady pace to it but when I saw Gordon and Ann it automatically faltered. I looked in the rest of the crowd looking for my parents, but of course, they weren't in sight. What was I expecting? I ran out on them! I breathed into the mic and ran my fingers through my hair.

"Graduation am I right." I breathed a laugh and smiled. I received a few chuckles and smiles. "My name is Caroline and I was asked to speak here for you today. Everyone has a label at this school, even if you don't know it you probably have one." I looked around searching till I found a pair of eyes that I wanted to see. Macy.
Macy may of been a bitch but she's the only one that didn't treat me differently when Rue died. She noticed my eyes and I couldn't stop the words coming from my mouth.
"We label people as stuck up," I smiled when I saw her grin satisfied knowing it was true, "geeky, smart, beautiful-" I felt myself choke up. "-but then there was Caroline. Caroline was known as the girl with the dead bestfriend..." You could see smiles fall and hands rise to cover their mouths as if they cared. No one really cared. Sure they might pity you but their lives go on, no harm done. I wasn't angry about this. How could I be? What makes me so special enough they should care?


I walked off the stage and started looking for people. Instead I crashed into Victor giving him a slight heart attack. He turned around to lay it on me and scream but then he saw my face. "Oh, hey Caroline! That was a cool speach up there," he touched his upper stomach and nodded, "moved me right here."
"Your stomach..." He look at his hand and laughed. "No silly my heart." Should I tell him where his heart I should let him have this moment...after being held back twice he deserves it.

I smiled as bright as I possibly could but couldn't help but ask, "What's your career options so far or what are you considering." He was obvouisly happy to hear this question. "You know that Taco Bell down near Westward Drive?" I nodded still trying to be enthusiastic. He patted his 'heart' and went on. "Oh yeah baby, I'm the next manager."

I paused a moment and shook my head frantically, "Thats great Victor!" Obvouisly proud of himself, he walked away to his girlfriend Amelia. I was about to continue my searches but was interrupted by a bear hug from Gordan. I laughed and even though a little confused, hugged him back.

When he let go he patted Ann's shoulder and said, "Thats our girl." I laughed awkwardly. I was confused at his sentenced but wiped it off and hugged Ann's incoming hug. "Hey honey do you think you can come by for dinner tonight?"

"Oh dinner would be fantastic but I promised Josh I'd start packing to move in with him." She pulled away with her hands still on my shoulders. "Why so soon?" I shook my head. "Just some minor complications with my family." Ann nodded solemnly in an understanding way. I don't think she actually understood the situation.

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