Chapter 2

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*Angie's POV

        Louis ends up taking me out for dinner and brings Harry too.

Harry constantly looks up at us and winks at me. I roll my eyes every time. What is his problem?

Me and Louis order our usuals and Harry orders his. We chat a bit about family life and stuff.

As we are walking out of the restaurant, Harry brushes his hand against mine. I look up at his face and he doesn't seem to notice.

I ignore it and follow Louis out of the restaurant. "Thanks, Lou. That was nice." I smile and relax as he drives through the rain coming down.

The car ride is silent the whole way but it doesn't feel awkward. It's more of a relaxing silence. I think things through.

        "Want me to stop at your house for your stuff?" Louis asks. "Yeah, I'll grab my bag." I reply as he pulls up my driveway.

I jog inside through the rain and unlock the door with the key under the mat. My mom is sitting at the kitchen table with a cup of tea reading ehr magazines. "Hey ma." I greet her. "Where are you going?" she asks, not bothering to look up. "Sleeping at Louis's place tonight." I reply and start for the steps. "Can you bring Jillie with you?" she asks me, meeting eye contact. "Why?" I complain and slump my shoulders. "She's lonely here. And plus, it's good to interact with your sister. She likes Louis." she raises an eyebrow. I groan and jog upstairs. I knock on my sister's door and knock even louder again as I hear her music blaring.

        "Hello?" her sweet little voice calls. She's actually not that sweet at all. She is only 16, two years younger than me. It's not fair that my mom still makes me take her places. I do it because I know that within another year, I will be moving out of this house. I already have my car, I just need enough to pay for an apartment. Louis is lucky that his family is rich so he gets his own house. "Jillie, I'm heading to Louis's place. Wanna come?" I ask, sighing. "Sure!' she says and I hear her music turn off.

        She opens the door and I gasp at the sight of her. She has on loads of make-up. Her lips are fully red and her eyeliner makes her look like she got punched in the eye. "Sweetie, you might wanna take some of that makeup off." I suggest kindly. "I'm sixteen. I can wear as much makeup as I like." she sasses back. She has a major attitude. "If you want to look like a clown, then go ahead. It won't make Louis like you anymore." I sing-talk as I turn around towards my room. "No! Wait." I turn around. "Can you help me take it off?" she asks innocently. I knew I would get to her with the Louis comment. She has a crush on Lou and I think it's adorably. He already knows about her crush and he thinks it's adorable as well.

        I nod and follow her to her bathroom. I take off most of the eyeliner and all the lipstick. I leave mascara and a tiny bit of eyeshadow. I wipe off all the concealer and also fix her hair a bit. I stand back and admire my work. She looks in the mirror and smiles a bit. She follows me out of the bathroom and we both grab bags and fill them with our stay over stuff. I hear Louis honk the horn outside causing me and Jillie to roll our eyes.

        We hurry outside and I open the door to Louis's car. "Lou, mom's making me bring Jill along." I try not to sound depressed. He smiles and nods as we both scoot in. Harry studies Jillie through the rear view mirror. Jillie doesn't notice and taps away at her phone. "Um, I guess I should introduce my sister." I break the silence. "Don't be ridiculous, Angie. Louis already knows who I am." she swats at my arm. "Harry doesn't." I say glancing at Harry. Harry turns around and flashes a cheeky smile. Jillie blushes and bites her lip. "Jillian Morgan Hopkins." she holds out her hand. Harry shakes it and turns around.

        The rest of the night is pretty awkward since Jillie is here and we can't do any mature things like Truth or Dare or Spin the Bottle. She may be old enough to have a boyfriend, which she currently does, but she doesn't understand adult humor yet. We are stuck watching The Notebook, Jillies choice, for the rest of the night. She falls asleep about 11:30 and the rest of us stay awake whispering. "Your sister is pretty hot." Harry catches me off guard. "Okay, ew, that's my sister you're talking about. And secondly, she has a boyfriend. And YOU have a girlfriend." I shudder as I think about him thinking about my sister like that. "I know, I know. I was just stating the obvious." he rolls his eyes. "You seem to have a thing for younger girls. Like 15 and 16 year olds." I scrunch my nose up. "Girls my age are too mainstream." he smirks. I scoff and pull my knees up to my chest. "You two argue like children." Louis rolls his eyes. "Um, yeah, you should be talking." I shove him away and laugh. Louis chuckles and shrugs. Harry smirks at us. "What?" I ask, confused. Why does he keep doing that?

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