The Introduction

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Hello everyone and welcome to CheckMate Cupid.
First I'd like to say that I'm supper excited to see where this story will go.
However it needs your support.

Remember to vote and comment on the story.
Your opinions motivate me.
Feel free to discuss parts of the story you love/ hate/ don't understand.
Opinions on characters are always very good to read as an author. Feel free to tell me who you hate, who you love and what surprised you.
I'm always here to answer questions so shoot.
Please help me reach the vote goals. The sooner they are reached the sooner another chapter goes up.

-Shasow .M.

Under is the summary if you haven't read it.....
Have fun reading 😁

Every school has a player. The guy who others adore.Guys want to be him, girls want to have him. So what makes Ace different from the rest? He loves what he does and is the best at it. In fact he is nicknamed The Cupid.
Plain and simple Violet likes to keep to herself. Growing up in a common family has thought her values most people don't have. She has learned not to take anything for granted. The typically shy nice girl has a dazzling personality that most people don't get to see. Stepping into a school where ninety percent of the girls have been bedded by the handsome and charming Cupid is not going to be easy. Especially since she has had her heart pierced by his arrow. Will she give into her deepest desires and allow herself to fall for the daring Ace or will she live in denial and beat Cupid at his own game. Only time can tell.
Join Violet and live through her battle of emotions, love and newly found life.Will you hate The Cupid who you can't help but love? Or will you fall for his charms.

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