Chapter One: Cupid's Catch

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I dragged my suitcase with me as I hurried up the path that lead to the magnificent building. Green luscious, well kept grass and plenty of trees to lounge under in the hot summer days filled the enclosed grounds of the school. Just moments ago I had shared a tear filled goodbye with my loving parents and now I'm taking my first steps to independence. I can only hope that by now they are already making their way home. The cool breeze and fresh air consoled me. The bumpy path made the suitcase sound like a thunderous weight as it rolled along the pavement. So far this doesn't seem real to me. I never imagined getting into a place like this. I saw myself behind the counter at some small cafè carrying mugs of steaming coffee and delightful deserts to the awaiting customers. It wasn't that I didn't want to study. Oh, no that was not the case. It was just that I didn't want to pressure my parents into paying such a big price they had enough trouble making ends meet each month. They didn't need another bill adding to the pile. The day the letter arrived changed my life.

I remember my mother sitting at the dining table looking at me with big guilty eyes, father stood awkwardly behind her leaning on her chair. They were prepared for the worst. Ready to watch my dreams be crushed because they weren't rich. Mother slid the white envelope to me. I flipped it over and saw the official stamp of the school. At that moment I could hear my heart beating in my ears. It was like time itself stopped. It all came down to that moment. I ripped open the crisp paper with shaking hands. I scanned the fine print over and over. Tears began leaking from my eyes and I looked up to see the blurry faces of my parents looking back at me. I showed them the letter. Silence descended over our small worn down kitchen. They were stunned and then my father's booming voice broke the agonising silence.
"You did it!" He shouted "I can't believe it Lucy our baby is going to collage." His voice was full of admiration. My mother rose from her chair and pushed past him embracing me she whispered.
"I'm glad that your poor old parents didn't get in the way of your dreams." That was the day I received a scholarship.

I crashed into a wall like object and the impact sent me flying backwards. A large crash followed as my suitcase fell, I was pressed against a firm chest. It took me a few minutes to compose myself as the patient stranger held me. I finally looked up to see sparkling green eyes gazing down at me. I cleared my throat shyly and he caught the hint. He ran his hand through his chestnut brown hair and sighed "I'm sorry I didn't look where I was going," I blushed at the sound of his deep and low tone.
"It's my fault," I mumbled letting my blond hair fall around my face.
"Where you heading to ?" The stranger asked curiously. Normally I wouldn't have talked to a guy like him, he seemed worlds apart from ordinary little me. Seeing my uncertainty he continued more cautiously "my name is Blake, room 319 left wing." Blake smiled a charming youthful smile.
"I'm Violet," I replied fumbling through my pocket and pulling out a folded sheet I glanced at the number and recited it to Blake. His face lit up and he swung his arm around my shoulder.
"Looks like we are roomies," he smirked and then picked his bag up off the floor he then took hold of mine despite my protests.

We walked in to the decent room laughing and joking. Blake was surprisingly a funny guy. But what we found inside the room had me lost for words. There stood a Greek God of a man, glistening black hair and droplets of water sliding down his lower abdomen. His lack of shirt had me captivated, all I could do was stand and stare.
"Ace what the fuck man put some clothes on!" Blake shouted depositing our bags onto the floor. Ace raised one elegant eyebrow and placed his hands on the hem of his low hanging jeans. "Ace Bane I will beat you if you flash us, my new roommate doesn't need to see all of you," Blake growled taking a treating step towards a smirking Ace.
"I'm not that vulgar," Ace laughed a deep rich sound matched only by liquid gold. I swore my knees almost buckled right there and then.
"Your side is closest to the bathroom I know how you girls are ," Blake sighed and I gulped grabbing my suitcase and dragging it over to my side. I tried my best to dodge Ace and all his glory but one can't help but gasp when your pulled into a magnificently sculpted chest. His arms rested around my hips and he leaned in closer to my ear. The suitcase stood discarded and all my attention was focused on the alluring man.
"If you ever need me kitten I'm just a moan away," he whispered huskily and I shivered involuntarily.
"Off limits !" Blake shouted from what seemed like the bathroom I presume.
"How do you know I was trying something!" Ace fired back letting go of me and winking as he sprawled himself on Blake's bed.
"I know you," Blake announced strolling into the room.
"Draw me like one of your French girls Blakey," Ace gasped flirtatiously running a hand down his abs.
"Go fuck yourself ," Blake laughed picking up a pillow he threw it at Ace's face.
"I would if I could ," Ace sang and rolled his eyes, picked up his hoody slipping it on he winked and headed for the door.

I started unpacking and did my best to avoid any conversations but apparently Blake had other plans. "I hope he didn't scare you too much with his ugliness," Blake sighed as he started stacking his cd's on a shelf in neat rows.
"Are you two you know?" I asked curiously as I placed my clothes in the lavender wardrobe.
"Oh, God no !" Blake shouted in mock horror he shot me a disapproving look and continued "I don't swing that way."
"What way do you swing ?" I asked feeling more comfortable with Blake.
"The right way," Blake replied and started depositing mountains of clothes into our shared wardrobe. "You know for a girl you sure don't have a lot of stuff," Blake commented and I sighed looking at the large pile of men's clothes that rose above my small stack.
"Blake?" I whispered looking at the tall male.
"Yeah ," he answered cheerfully.
"What's your family like ?" I asked curiously. I wanted to know what type of guy he was raised to be.
"Well my father owns his own company, he is into electronics and software programming. He designed the security system of this school. Mother once was a model. I'm an only child," Blake explained as he walked over to his bed and sat on it.
"So who do you look up to?" I persisted wanting to pry more information from him.
"My nana she is a hell of a lady but she taught me more than my parents did. I must have the shape of her wooden spoon embedded into my skull from the amount of times she whacked me with it," Blake laughed as the words flowed freely from his mouth. It seemed almost like he was in the moment as he described it.

I took a quick shower and remerged from the bathroom dressed in pyjamas and with a towel around my head. When I stepped into the room I heard laughter.
"Vi you look like a snow cone," Blake wheezed clutching his side.
"Show me !" A voice demanded and Blake turned his laptop over in my direction. I was met with a wide smiling Ace who Waved at me amused. "She looks like an ice cream not a snow cone you idiot" Ace corrected.
"What's the difference ?" Blake demanded turning serious for a moment.
"It's the swirl -"
"Guys please, it's late don't poke fun at me," I snapped as politely as I could. Blake turned his laptop back around despite Aces protest. As I climbed into my bed I heard them argue.
"Why were you here earlier?" Blake asked stretching.
"I came by to borrow you memory card, I didn't know you were bringing a knock out by," Ace stated.
"Shut up that's my roommate, besides you'll hit on anything with a vagina," Blake smirked.
"Aww you jealous princess, if you had one I would have hit on you too," Ace sweetly cooed.
"How about I hit on your face with my fist," Blake snapped playfully.
"I'm coming by tomorrow ," Ace announced.
"Wearing clothes I hope," Blake suggested.
"Nah, can't deprive you of the view now can I Blakey. I'll go commando ," Ace smugly replied. I couldn't hold back the giggle that slipped past my lips. Blake glanced at me and wiggled his eyebrows creepily. "I think she thinks we are idiots," Blake whispered discreetly into the computer before saluting and shutting the lid. "Tomorrow I'll show you around and we will figure out some rules. Sadly you can't switch rooms this place is full to the brim," Blake yawned and reached for the light switch of his bedside lamp. The light was replaced by the darkness of the room.


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 26, 2017 ⏰

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