Chapter one: weapons

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Okay. You will need weapons to fight against each other.
All med cats have these things in stock:
(100) herb packs
(50) prey packs
(25) cases of deathberrys
(12) anti-zombie ointment (for EarthClan and LonerClan ONLY)
Or: (12) anti-warrior ointment (for ZombieClan ONLY)
(6) water containers
(3) bundles of nests
(2) sticks
(1) full-body cobweb armor (see: armor)

There are several types or armor you can have that will give you an advantage in battle.
Cobweb armor: used for med cats, kits, and queens, this armor protects cats who don't have weapons.
Bark armor: the main choice of armor for EarthClan, the bark protects you while harming the opponent. It's sorta heavy, but not by a lot.
Mud armor: the main choice of armor for LonerClan, the mud dries on your fur and protects you from damage and helps you not to get infected from ZombieClan.
Twoleg garbage armor: the main choice of armor for ZombieClan, this armor disguises your scent and pelt color, it also protects you from damage slightly. Note: discard armor after use, for it messes with you and isn't a very dependable armor.
Bone armor:  used by all the Clans, this armor is made out of the bones of other cats. It is super rare and only leaders, deputies, and certain cats have them.

All leaders have these in stock:
(10) bone armor
(9) cat-apults
(8) extra cat claws
(7) sets of fangs
(6) cases of prey
(5) health packs
(4) bundles of vines
(3) sticks
(2) water containers
(1) star-stone (StarClan/EarthClan/LonerClan) or:
(1) dark-stone (DarkClan/ZombieClan)

Deputies have:
(5) extra sets  of claws or (5) extra sets of fangs
(4) health packs
(3) water containers
(2) prey packs
(1) bone armor

Warriors have:
(3) extra set of claws
(2) health packs
(1) bark armor (EarthClan), Twoleg garage armor (ZombieClan), or mud armor (LonerClan).

Apprentices have:
(1) extra set of claws
(1) health pack
(1) stick

Queens have:
(1) cobweb armor
(2) prey packs
(2) water containers
(3) health packs
(17) sticks

Kits have:
(1) cobweb armor
(1) bundles of bedding
(1) water container
(2) prey packs

Elders have:
(1) armor
(1) prey pack
(1) stick

That's it. Also, you can buy more things from the shop. Now, let's get role playing!

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