The Tunnel of Terror

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"Well. We're here." They had arrived at the amusement park. Every pony so happy playing on the rides, lines backed up to no end. "Freaking great. There's no way in hell we are going to do anything today with all these lines!" Voodoo exclaimed " I mean seriously, this is going to take flipping forever" "Hey!" said Colette as she noticed an odd attraction “It’s a ride, with no freaking line!!! Ha!" She scoffed as she saw the name of it “Tunnel of Terror? Please, I know terror" she looked at her amulet and then at Voodoo. "What do ya say? Want to try it?" “Sure, I mean there's no line, mind as well" The two ponies ventured forward towards the ride. It wasn't normal, for two demonic ponies, it was normal. But to the normal eye the ride gave off an eerie feel, peeling paint and a rundown front " Looks terrible" said Voodoo "I suppose it's just the ambience but whatever"

The two walked up the creaky steps to the front where a creepy old stallion met them. "Hello there, welcome to The Tunnel of Terror" the old stallion retorted in a creepy-esque voice "Uh… yeah… hi" replied Voodoo and Colette "We'd like to ride" "Well of course" replied the old stallion bringing a cart up  in front of them "Hop in"  The bar lifted as the cart jerked to a halt. The creepy atmosphere was beckoning the dark ponies into it. Voodoo and Colette hopped into the cart, the bar closed over them as the cart started foreword. "Don't be too scared" said the old stallion as the two headed off into the darkness "Yeah. Whatever old man" replied the two, leaving the old pony with an odd look on his face.

   The two ponies looked bored as the cart came upon the first scene. The cart jerked to a halt as the room lit up revealing a surgery room, covered in blood, with guts all over the floor and with a surgeon in the corner shaking. "Hey, hey you!" He said as the ponies came into view. “You… You have to help me… PLEASE!" The surgeon stumbled as he tried to get up.  All of the sudden a door swung open and another surgeon ran through it. This surgeon was different; he had blood all over and a crazed look in his eye. "Well I see you failed to escape" he chuckled and turned his attention to the surgeon in the corner. He grabbed a large hypodermic needle from the metal surgery table and stumbled over to the trembling surgeon "No! Please, doctor it doesn't have to be this way, we... we can help you!" The trembling surgeon tried to reason. "No one can help me." And with that line the surgeon plunged the needle through the trembling surgeon’s neck and injected a mysterious liquid into him. The surgeon let out an ear shattering shriek as his skin bubbled and melted. The mad surgeon turned to Voodoo and Colette. "Who's next?" He approached them and the two laughed " You going to stab me too doc?" Chortled Voodoo. The cart lurched forward and Colette leaned over the side of the cart and picked up some of the guts and slapped Voodoo in the face with them. "Hey!" He laughed and wiped the guts on her face "Payback!" Colette laughed as her amulet glowed a bit. The cart continued foreword, shuttering and creaking as it took the turns. It finally stopped and revealed the next scene

“Oh mygosh, this ride is freaking terrible." Stated Voodoo as the scene showed a schoolyard, littered with tons of mauled foals. Bodies ripped from their heads and limbs ripped from torsos.  Some foals still moving slowly pulled their mangled bodies to the two ponies. "Awww they're so cute!!!!" Exclaimed Colette. The little ponies moaned and groaned in pain as their guts slowly spilled from their bodies, leaving trails from where they started. "Aww so cute" Voodoo echoed as he picked up a severed head from the ground. He carefully placed it on Colette's head and laughed maniacally, "It's a hat!" He cackled evilly as a voice boomed over the loudspeaker " Are you not frightened?! This is scary stuff!" Voodoo scoffed "yeah whatever, I've seen scarier trees." And with that the cart lurched forward leaving the mangled foals behind.  Colette threw the foal head off hers and laughed "You’re so funny" Voodoo's button eyes started to glow as Colette's amulet glowed brighter.

The two could already see the next and last scene. Gorier than the other two, it showed

A large stallion cutting a screaming mare in half withanother mare sitting in the corner, her guts spilling out. For a second the stallion's eyes met Colette's they were filled with fright, fear of what was happening.

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