Wake up its pony clubs

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Beep beep beep. The sound of my alarm clock forced me to open my eyes and face the real world not my beautiful dream world. I hit my alarm clock on the top to turn it off, feeling embarrassed after what had happened yesterday. I groaned remembering what had happened. After I had ever so kindly stormed away, I had gotten dressed, in the toilets and waited for Katie, in the main area of the pool. When she finally come out of the pool, my dad had  pulled up cause I had to go. Ohh no I have pony club today, that was the thing I had put to the back of my mind and for gotten, I gave another groan, putting my pillow on top of my face hoping my life was just a big bad dream and I would wake up not knowing Ben or anyone, I wished I could be a new person and change everything. But Don't get me wrong I love riding my special little pony Jay Jay. I just don't like some of the people at pony club, but what ever. I go to learn and see my pony club friends and become a better rider. I heard my dad storm past my room, I knew in a second he would come in and say time to get up, followed by mum. I waited and watched the door for a second until I saw it fly open. "Come on Amy it's, 7:30, we gotta get moving or we will be late." Dad said turning on the light and walking out. I rolled my eyes, and slowly got up. Feeling like I needed more sleep. I walked to the kitchen only to see mum packing food for the day, sure they give us pony clubbers lunch but if we get hungry we eat the food mum packed us. "Morning darling, how are you this morning, what would you like for breakfast?" Mum said smiling, I looked up as I heard dads car. "Is dad putting on the horse float." I said totally not answering mums question. Mum looked out the window and nodded softly. "So what would you like for breakfast?" Mum asked again. "Umm I guess I will put in some toast." I said giving her a small smile, she nodded.

"Come on Jay Jay we are going to be late and you know how they hate us being late." I moaned to myself. My pony Jay Jay was galloping around like a mad thing, and he wasn't letting me any where near him and my dad was starting to get annoyed. So anyway  after breakfast I had gotten dressed and done my hair and than packed the horse float, and it was only like, I checked my phone, 9, oh no we have to leave at nine. Jay Jay had stopped galloping and was prancing around in one spot I took my chance and held out the carrot I had for him. "Jay Jay." I called he looked at me and trotted over seeing what was in my hand. "Good boy alright let's go." I said to him putting on his head stall and the lead rope. Jay Jay was still prancing instead of walking as we walked to the float, I knew in my head today was going to be a long hard hot day. We got to the float, put Jay Jay up. than dad and I were driving. I looked put the window wondering what today had install for me.

I got to pony club just in the nick of time. I unloaded Jay Jay and looked around, people where, grooming there horses setting up jumps, tacking up or just in the club rooms talking, I breathed. Ahh the smell of horses and dirt filled my nostrils. I could smell hay, I could hear horses neighing to one another, probably catching up on the latest horsey news. "Hey Amy come on and get out of lala land, Jay Jay isn't going to tack up himself you know." Dad called. I rolled my eyes, my day dream was up, now to was time to face reality. "Keep ya hair on, I coming and besides why didn't you help me tack him up." I grumbled walking over to Jay Jay, who was a nervous wreak, he was pacing on the spot with his head up high. I had no idea what his problem was today. "Because I have to go see Troy and he's your pony you wanted him." Dad said finally. I rolled my eyes at him behind, his back, as he walked away. "Bye thanks for the help." I sarcastically whispered. I walked over to the car and got my grooming box, and went to brushing Jay Jay, but he just wouldn't stay still. I saw Narelle walk past holding a bucket. "Hi Narelle can you um please come over here." I called out. She looked at me shocked at first but nodded, walking over smiling. "Hey old Amy how's it going darl." Narelle said with a big smile on her face. Ok let me explain Narelle, she's my mums best friend and she helped get me, my first pony, Esther, who is in retirement, at the monument, she has two kids, Jack who is a 10 year old, and Tessa who is the biggest bitch on the planet. I hate her soo much it hurts to say her name. Ok that's a bit mean but I don't like her and she doesn't like me. She rides too and Jack does when Narelle forces him. Tessa, has a beautiful chestnut mare named Tilly who is amazing at jumping. I still reckon Jack would rather be riding a motor bike or something and Tessa well she would just wanna be hanging out with her friends. "Well Jay Jay is just going mental do you think I should ride him." I finally asked shyly. Narelle walked over to Jay Jay and looked At him. "He seems alright to me, he might just be a bit fresh, ask Troy or give if you can miss out on the first lesson and just ride him in the flat may calm the old bugged down a bit." Narelle said patting me on back as she walked of, smiling at the Fellow pony club people. I groaned under my breath as she walked off, of course Troy wasn't going to let me miss out on a lesson, he already thought I was a spoiled little brat. "Are you going to be a good boy or a bad boy." I said looking at Jay Jay who looked scared shitless. I shook my head as I got to tacking up.

Omg guys I'm so so so sorry I have been so busy with school, horse riding, Spaci, bike riding family, and friends and also I haven't been feeling the greatest all week, I will try and make updates more offten. And also my wifi has been kinda terrible lately but hopefully it will get better, so thoughts on this chapter, thoughts on the characters, Amy, her Dad even Narelle. I hope you enjoyed it don't forget to comment vote and share!!

Ps sorry for all the spelling mistakes I will get better promise

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