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Well I'm stuck in an elevator with my ex boyfriend. Great...

"What do you think is happening?" Caspar says "is it broken!? Is there a fire?! Are we all gonna die."

Caspar starts shaking like crazy. He paces back and forth and is almost hyperventilating. I know Caspar hates small places and feeling stuck like this.

"It's okay Caspar it will be fine." I say. I grab his shoulders to calm him and stop him pacing.

"Just breath Caspar. Listening to my voice a just breath. You are okay. You are safe. I will keep you safe I promise."

Caspar collapses into my arm. I rock him gently. It is weird how not weird it is. Me holding my ex boyfriend in a broken elevator. But it doesn't feel odd it feels right.

"Sorry about that." Caspar says awkwardly stepping back. 

"It's okay." I say. "Now what?"

"I guess we wait." Caspar says sitting on the floor of the elevator. I sit down opposite him on the floor.

"How is Zoe?"

"Better. Lots of cuddling with Alfie and watching movies. She should be back to school soon." I say.

"Oh great! I'm so glad she is getting better." He says.

"Thanks me too. It's nice to have her back to bossing me around." I say chuckling

"Well she gives great advice. She told me to kiss you in the court yard, I never regretted that." Caspar says smiling at me. I blush like crazy.

"Me nether." I say.

It's true. Caspar hurt me, real bad. I have been crying myself to sleep every night. But it only hurts because I was losing something amazing. I was losing our stolen glances, late night phone calls, and kisses on cheeks.  I would never regret that.

We talk a hour and a half. About everything it feels of nice to talk to Caspar again. We swapped stories about our life's and then started talking about our stories.

"Remember when you dropped me off at my old house, after our date in our spot. And in the car you said you would never stop loving me." Caspar whispers not making eye contact.

"Caspie.." I say

"No I get Joe. You moved on you don't feel that way. I umm I get." Caspar says so quiet it's barely audible.

"Caspar!" I say

"No it's fine!" Caspar basically yells this time "I was jerk and now you don't love me! I guess I meant nothing to you!"

I stand up so I'm looking at Caspars eyes. He seems mad but I am not sure why. He starts pacing again.

"Don't be an idiot Caspar! Of course I still love you!" I yell

"I love you too." He says

And suddenly the elevator jolts into action again.

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