The Blink of an Eye

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「 The Blink of an Eye 」
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Life as I knew it was Heaven. I loved my parents, and my parents loved me. I held happiness, safety, family, all in my hands - I could ask for nothing more. And yet, in a single, life-changing moment, everything fell apart. I no longer had anywhere else to call home, no family to love me. I was born alone, tasted joy, and am alone again. We, as humans, have no control over this life. Fate gives us what it wants with no concerns of the effect it may have. It's like trekking a valley of mountains - to reach the highest points, you must first make the treacherous climb. But after the climb, there is the triumphant hike down, only to bring you to the lowest low. "The end always comes in the blink of an eye." What was once a precious time will be nothing but a charred memory, the echo of laughter whispering in your ears. Remembering is not good enough when you know you'll never get it back. I will never get my parents back. I want to go back to when everyone still lived, and we all smiled together. I want to again feel the warmth of my mother's hugs, see the kindness in my father's eyes. It's all as clear as day, though I can only imagine what it's like. My life fell to pieces in front of me, so fast that I couldn't catch all the pieces. Although I did once live as light as a feather, now, my burdens are as heavy as stone. - ♛

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