Chapter 4- Testosterone

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I hobble my way up to Natasha to ignore Tony's comments to Steve and I lean against her seat " hey Nat, how's the weather?" I joke when I notice the storm clouds, but I turn my head when I hear Steve ask Loki " what, scared of a little thunder?" When the raven haired God says " I'm not overly fond of what follows" I turn and give the men my attention and I'm about to ask what he means when there is a thud on the roof and the jet trembles a bit. Tony heads to the back hatch opening it with Steve shouting at him and my eyes widen when Thor enters the jet and hits Tony into Steve and grabs Loki before flying off. I help Tony off of Steve and proceed to help the captain stand receiving a cute smile in return and Tony puts his face mask down and starts to go when Steve  calls " Stark, we need a plan of attack". Tony looks at him " I have a plan, attack". He then shoots off the jet and Steve rushes over and grabs a parachute and I move over to him " Steve". His eyes meet mine but Natasha looks over " you might want to sit this one out Cap, these guys come from legend, they are basically gods". Steve hooks the parachute and heads to the bay door " there is only one God ma'am and I am pretty sure he doesn't dress like that". He gives me a warm smile before jumping out into the night. I let out a sigh and limp over to Natasha " why can't men think things through?" She asks and I place a hand on her shoulder " well my friend, it's something all men have that makes them want to be all macho and try to one up another, Testosterone my dear Russian princess". Natasha lets out a laugh " really Lin, that joke, and you do have a point about how they act, this will be a lovely mission with all of them together. Alright let's go pick up the boys". I sit back in my seat buckling up and we head to the area where they will be when we see a bright flash in the distance and I let out a chuckle " found them".

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