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-4 weeks later-

After a month in the forest; it has started to feel like home. Although some may say that it would be awful wasting your days away, waiting for something to do. I think not, I'm finding that days are not long enough, after riding to the stream; hunting for food and trying finish a makeshift stable for Ember. It's getting dark ...

After experience I have found that making a stable was a definite to-do. I would wake to find a freezing Ember, often with many scratches from other creatures, looking very sorry for herself. Enough was enough.

Hunting, another job, that was a definite to-do. I didn't want to I had to, I found some old twine and some flexible - enough sticks for the bow and stones and sticks worked for the arrows. Experience also payed of here to. Just before dusk, when the sun is going down and it's not too light but enough to see, all the hares will come from their burrows to eat. Silently, I would slip an arrow from the bow and quickly collect my pray. Another successful hunt; another successful meal.

Ember has been quite on edge at the moment, I'm not quite sure what's wrong. Usually she's bouncing ready to run, maybe it's the weather. It's been awful; cold, rain even hail at times. I wouldn't want to get her beautiful white legs and feathers (horse speach:-) dirty. She has a beautiful coat, creme white with a buck skin mane. Large strong legs; they look they they could carry me anywhere.

Leading her out, with my D.I.Y head collar/ bridle, she was seeming a bit on edge again. A good run on her favourite trail will lift her spirits a little.

-An hour later-

" Whoah Ember down!"
She has started rearing and bucking just out if the blue. Something must of startled her, I must admit I did see a shadow behind some trees. Although I can only be another animal, she is usually totally fine with them. Something must be going on...

"Your looking a bit fat Ember, sorry to admit it but you've been eating too many  wild herbs, you are going to have to cut down you greedy monster" that made me laugh she is just so greedy.

Over the past few months she has calmed down, often going investigating this creature, sometimes hours on end. I think she now knows who and what this creature is and quite enjoys their company. I have full confidence in her that she will come back, every single time. Although today was not the case. I called her back this morning, to go to the stream, usually the tap of her hooves alerts me of her presence but no such luck.

15 minutes I tried but no Ember in sight, I had no experience for this moment ...

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