Chapter 11 - Fiesty, much?

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                       Finally! I'm managing all my books. <3 I know it's a wait, so I thank you all for waiting! ( Plus, I got teachers that just believe homework in a necessity in life. - _ - )





Finally! Soccer try-outs were over.

               If it wasn't for Diego being there, (y'now as competition?), I would've fell flat on my face from exhaustion. I mean, seriously? He had us doing eight back to back laps, and then sprints afterwards?

             Oh, and did I mention for the sprints we had to control a ball too?

Footwork for me was kind of easy, but the running was the easiest for me. It's just, both of them together is so damn frustrating I don't even know where to  begin!

             But, I think I'll begin tommorow. Tonight, I'm bushed.

As I walked up the stairs on my way to the girls wing of the school, I passed by the windows and spotted Diego outside, still practicing even though try-outs were over one hour ago.

          "What is he doing?" I whispered to myself, staying in the shadows so he wouldn't catch me watching him.

              As I watched him dribble the ball, back and forth between his feet, and even using the lamp posts as a opponent, I also became very fond of the way he used his skills to make it look swift.


                         But I did notice frustration when he kicked the ball out into the open, no one there to catch it.

               Didn't look like it mind to him.

"Kayla?" I flinched and stumbled back. After gaining focus, I saw that it was Angel.

                   Wait. At 10:00 at night?

"Uh. Angel?" I asked, mutually confused.

                 Angel nodded her head, "Yeah. It's me. And since we're asking questions . . . what are you doing?" she leant past me and looked outside. I waited for her to call me a stalker of some sort, but instead, she just shrugged and felt my fore-head.

                  "Uh . . .?" I mumbled, looking up at her hand.

"I'm just wondering if your okay. Staring outside at a lamp post really isn't normal." she said. Whew, okay, so she didn't see him.


                "Uh, yeah. I was just - um, looking outside at the lamp post. It's very amusing at night." I said, nodding my head as if that was actually what I was doing. It sounded accurate though, especially since she didn't see Diego.

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