Chapter 25

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I wake up in a cellar-type room. I can't believe what just happened. I look around, and notice no one else is in this room but me. The walls are gray, and the floor is stone, and cold. There is a heavy door, and I can tell its locked. I pull my knees close to my chest, and wonder what is going to happen to me. Suddenly the door swings open and a boy falls to the ground in my cellar room. I look up, and the boy gets up.  He raises his head up to look at me. He was strikingly familiar. His face scrunched up with confusion.

"Have I met you before?" He said.

"I don't know, but you look very familiar."

"So do you, what's your name?"


His eyes widened, and a smile formed on his face.


"Yeah...what's your name?"

"Cameron. This sounds strange, I know, but you were in my dreams for like four years!"

Then it hit me. I smiled from ear to ear.

"I was in a coma for four years, and you were in my dreams also!"

"I know this may sound really strange but in my dreams you were at my uncles with me and we.........were in a relationship."

"That's exactly what I dreamt! Is your uncle named Daniel?"


I stood up, and he embraced me in a hug, he was exactly the same as he was in my coma-dreams. We sit down and start to chat.

"You're just as beautiful as you were in my dreams." he said blushing.

"And you're just as handsome, and sweet as you were in mine."

We compared dreams, and they were almost exactly the same. We talked for hours and I started to become tired. I laid my head on Cameron's shoulder, and drifted off to sleep in his arms.

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