Harry// February 1st, 2015

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Dear Harry, 

Happy birthday babe!  It's hard to believe you're 21.  You're finally legal to drink in the US.  I know you don't know who I am but I feel that I need to tell you some things.  You're the most inspirational person I've ever witnessed evolve.  Puberty legit must've knocked you unconscious.  Today is my sister's birthday, too.  She turned 20.  You're truly beautiful Harry, no matter what people say. I hope you have a wonderful day.  You may never get this note, but if you do just remember to stay happy.  Don't let people get to you and DEFINITELY don't show them the effect that they might have on you.  You've been through a lot of rumors and false accusations but you've stayed strong.  And... cheesy song reference you really do make ME strong along with millions of other people.  I love how you don't discriminate and you really do care about fans.  You're a true hero and I'm sure you're even nicer in person.  I'm sure you're very beautiful in person too and hopefully one day I'll be able to talk to you and say how much I love you.  Stay positive and cheeky!  

-Leah (possibly the worst writer ever)

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