Lost to you

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    I am on way to drop Elouis off at daycare.
"Mommy music".  I turn on the radio and start flipping through the stations. It's then that I pause.. hearing his voice singing on the radio. Elouis starts singing along. My heart crumbles and I quickly turn the station.
"Mommy I like that song! Turn it back peas.." I had no clue what to say.. I didn't want to explain to her that she has a father. She doesn't even know what a dad is.
"Elouis I don't like that song mommy wants to find something else." I quickly responded.
"Mommy no!"  She starts crying! And whining about how it's her favorite song and she listens to it at daycare every day.
If only I had the power to make all of his music disappear, him disappear. I would do it in a heartbeat. Not that I wish him dead or anything but dang! Everywhere I go I see his face. All over magazines, newspapers, TV, Internet ,clothing , accessories, too many reminders of the man I keep trying to forget.
I grab Elouis hand and dragged her by her arms as she kicks and screams causing a big scene all the way into daycare.
"Ms. Gigi I am so sorry to leave her here with you like this but I have to get to work I'm running behind schedule." I gulped.
"Why is she so upset" Gigi worriedly walks our direction.
"Ms. Gigi mommy wouldn't let me listen to my favorite song in the car. You always let me listen to my favorite song, cuz u know." She pouted.
" I'm sorry Sadie , Is she not allowed to listen to One direction? They are my favorite band and I listen to them as background noise while I play with the kids." She rose her eyebrow.
Of course it's your favorite band... why does this have to happen. What am I supposed to say? It's not like i'm going to sit and explain why I dislike them so much.
"It's fine, I just don't want to listen to them is all! So as long as it's not around me I could care less." I blurted, folding my arms.

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