My Insecurity

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My Insecurity

I look in the mirror and see the things that hunts me the most

The things that makes me hide them away.

My thighs are too big

My belly is too fat i wanted to be skinny

I know I know those might not be a big deal

But it is to me.

I didn't want to wear shorts because I don't thought how ugly it would look on me

I didn't like wearing swimsuits because how fat I thought I would be

I thought people was thinking about how fat and big my thighs are and now I had negative thoughts

But one day it felt like forever I told myself to think positive thoughts and ignore the bad ones I decide to accept myself and learn to it

Learn to know that even though I accept who I am and what my weight is I learned that these flaws is still going to be here rather I like it or not.

Remember to love yourself for who you are and no matter what weight you are, you are different. I believe the word"Perfect"doesn't exist no ones perfect remember that.

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