Twisted Desires

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Chapter One

Annabelle’s POV

My name is Annabelle Blacksmith; I’m a rebellious seventeen year old teenager whose dad left us when I was two and a mum who wouldn’t care less about what I did. I have no brothers or sisters and live in a small house in Manhattan.

My best friends are a guy named Simon, and a girl named Kayla, we all have known each other all our lives and were about to go to a club. We got fake ID’s from a jock named Stan. Stan is one of my close friends and X boyfriend; he has short black hair, a six pack, and is pretty tall. He’s on the basketball team.

I’m also on the basketball team but our team sucks. We have only won two out of seven games. Maybe it’s because our school has no school spirit so they don’t cheer us on, or maybe it’s just because we suck so they don’t want to cheer us on. Either way, we suck.

 I look at myself in the mirror and like what I see. My blonde hair is down and in soft waves to my lower back, my blue eyes are big, and the sparkly eye shadow I have on making them pop.

My outfit, well, it’s perfect for where were going. The club were going to is called: Havoc. I have never been to it before but everyone I asked about it said it was amazing. But, I have on a black short skirt that has some slits in it and a bright green tight tee shirt that shows off my figure. I wouldn’t consider myself beautiful but I am quite pretty.

I twirl in front of my mirror and laugh.

“Annabelle?” Someone calls from downstairs.

I hesitatingly walk out of my room. What did she want? “Yes ma?”

     “Get your butt down here.”

     I slowly walk down the hall and my heart starts to beat faster. What in the world could she want? She hasn’t talked to me for a long time now. She has never been home.

“Yes ma?” I repeat while walking into the living room where my mum is sitting on the couch she bought but never used and has her feet up on the table and I can’t help but feel annoyed. Sure, she can do that but I can’t? Well, that doesn’t mean I don’t.

“Where are you going?” She asks.

     I just stare at her. “Since when did you care about where I went?”

     She turns around and her eyes widen when she sees me, like this is the first time she has seen me in weeks, and well to be honest, it is.

     “Just answer my question.” She says as her lips turn hard.

     I grab my phone from the kitchen table while answering her. “Out. With Simon, and Kayla.”

     She makes a garbled noise. “Simon?”

     I walk back into the living room. “Yeah, you know, my best friend. Since like kindergarten.”

     “Simon?” She repeats and I glare at her.

     “Whatever ma, I’m not playing your game tonight,” I grab my sexy black jacket and walk out the door, “see you later.”

     I close the door, cutting off her reply and run right into Simon. I stumble back a bit and look up at him. He looks pretty good, and very different from normal. Normally his light blonde hair is brushed and neat, and he normally has glasses but tonight, he didn’t look like Simon. No, he looked . . . hot. Not saying that Simon wasn’t good looking but, he was never hot, just cute.

     His blonde hair is stylishly messy, and he isn’t wearing glasses and his brown eyes look, kind of odd but that’s probably because I’m used to him with his specs. He’s wearing a neon blue shirt, and dark blue jeans.

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