May the Best Sculpture Win

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⠀⠀"Oof!" The little Bunnelby felt a snowball hit the side of her head. She glanced over to see a snickering Hawlucha with a pile of snowballs at his feet. "Teiboku, I'm going to get you for that!" She warned. She grabbed some snow and squished it into a tightly packed ball of snow. Hurling it at the Hawlucha, the Bunnelby could only frown as the Flying Type jumped back and dodged it.

⠀⠀"You missed, Fennel!" Teiboku stated.

⠀⠀Today was a special day. Every year in the forest where Fennel lived, a snow celebration was out on. Whether it was freezing cold with no snow, or warm with melting snow, it was always held. Today was the perfect day. It wasn't too cold out, but there was about eight inches of snow on the ground.

⠀⠀Fennel felt another snowball hit her. "Teeb!" She leapt into the air and bounded through the snow towards the Hawlucha, who merely laughed and leapt into the air, gliding on the wind currents. "Teiboku, get back here!"

⠀⠀"Alrighty! Would everyone entering the Snow Sculpture Competition please find a patch of snow and mark it!" A Trevenant came rounding the corner, his branch-like arms waving in the air. Its root-like legs brought him crawling along through the snow. "I'll be your judge!"

⠀⠀Fennel stopped mid chase and bounded over to a clean patch of snow. Drawing a circle around, she felt her ears clash with another's. "Hey, I got this patch first!" She stated.

⠀⠀A Buneary stood in front of Fennel. She scoffed. "You don't own anything until you claim it."

⠀⠀"Yeah? Well I claim it!"

⠀⠀"Oh please!"

⠀⠀The two rabbits locked ears and gave mean looks before Teiboku glided over and tried to separate the two. "Okay ladies, let's not have a Skitty fight. Save it for after the competition."

⠀⠀Fennel gave a pouty look and stuck her tongue out at the Buneary before finishing her circle. She looked around to see the other competition. There was Teiboku, though his martial arts skills was definitely better than his snow making skills. There was the annoying Buneary named Tilly, but she wouldn't bother Fennel too too much. Okay, so she bothered her a lot. Tilly always won, but this time, Fennel would take the win. Then there was a Glaceon she'd never met before.

⠀⠀"Now, let's meet our contestants!" Trevenant watched as the different Pokémon entered the scene to act as an audience. "We have Teiboku the Valiant Curiosity! We have Fennel the Infinite Shooting Star! We have Tilly the Graceful Flower! And last, but not least, Kori the Frozen Icicle!"

⠀⠀"Now those are some weird code names," Teiboku said aloud. He got a glare from the Kori the Glaceon and Tilly the Buneary. "Err..sorry.."

⠀⠀"The rules of the competition are simple!" Trevenant said. "Each competitor will have thirty minutes to make their creation. Then they each have ten minutes for decoration. Sabotage of any sorts will not be tolerated and result in immediate disqualification. May the best sculptor win! Now..ready!"

⠀⠀Each sculptor tensed.


⠀⠀Paws and talons aimed for the snow.


⠀⠀Fennel dove into the snow and began to clear a spot where her sculpture would go. Using Double Slap, she cleared a round patch. Her plan was to create a sculpture of a Muk. That was where her Mud Shot would come in handy.

⠀⠀Teiboku worked at his snow. Using Flying Press, he flattened the snow into level ground and began. He was going to try and create something easy, but impressive. He would make a Ditto in the form of a Pikachu, but retain its face.

⠀⠀Tilly worked at her sculpture. Her creation would be a Buneary ballerina. As she worked on the body, she imagined what it would look like when it was finished. She would triumph, and there was no way she was going to let that childish Bunnelby get the upper hand.

⠀⠀Kori's idea was to make a Goomy on ice. She used Ice Beam and watched streaks of ice strike the snowy ground. She skated across the newly created mini skating rink to the snow and began her shape.

⠀⠀Time passed as the four contestants worked on their sculptures. Trevenant had hoped for more competitors, but that was all he got. It was disappointing, but the audience seemed intrigued enough in watching the competitors at work. "Five minutes until decoration begins! After the second segment starts, anyone caught working on the body will be warned! A second time and you will be disqualified!"

⠀⠀Fennel began to pat the snow together and pack it tightly. The shape was almost complete. She just needed to added the look of different layers of muck.

⠀⠀Teiboku used his claws to make an outline of the Ditto face on the Pikachu body. Hopefully nothing would break or fall apart.

⠀⠀The Buneary sculpture was complete. All Tilly needed to do was get ready to race to the edge of the forest to find the things she'd need for the decorations.

⠀⠀Kori slid her sculpture to the middle of the ice. The Goomy snow sculpture was all ready to be decorated.

⠀⠀"Now begins the decoration segment!" Trevenant looked at the contestants' sculptures. "Your sculptures look great, everyone! Now go decorate!"

⠀⠀At the sound of Trevenant's voice, Fennel dashed to the edge of the forest. Her eyes scanned her surroundings until she saw some Bluk Berries. Their purple juice was just what she needed. She plucked a few rocks as well. Gathering as many berries as she could, Fennel hopped back to her patch of snow and dropped the berries and rocks on the ground in a heap. Jumping in the air, she used Mud Shot and slapped light layers of mud onto the snow, giving a dirty look.

⠀⠀"What is that!? A pile of mud!?" Tilly snickered at Fennel's creation. "Why don't you try entering that in a competition for Most Ugly Thing I've Ever Seen?"

⠀⠀"Be quiet Tilly!" Fennel countered. "I can't concentrate if you're talking. Then again, who can? Just your presence causes confusion!" The Bunnelby stuck her tongue out before bounding over to the purple berries. Squeezing them all over the snow sculpture, the combination of mud and purple gave the Muk a real Muk-like look. To finish up her sculpture, Fennel put to rocks as eyes and carved a smile into the face, lining it with mud. "Voila!"

⠀⠀Teiboku glided off towards the edge of the forest. All he needed were Sitrus Berries to add a yellow color to the Pikachu body, two Cheri Berries for the electric cheek pouches, and rocks to make the eyes and mouth. Gathering the resources, the Hawlucha races back to his patch and began squeezing the Sitrus Berries all over the Pikachu-shaped sculpture. Adding the two Cheri Berries for the cheek pouches, Teiboku finished with the face before realizing that he had nothing for the markings on the tail and ear tips. "Whoops.."

⠀⠀Tilly dashed to the edge of the woods and bounded up, grabbing onto several large leaves in the trees. That was all she needed. Dashing back to her sculpture, the Buneary lined the leaves along the waist of the Buneary-shaped creation, making a tutu of leaves. There was no way she was adding mud or anything like that to her sculpture. She poked eyes and a mouth and finished.

⠀⠀Kori was almost done. She really only needed Bluk Berries for the purple tint in a Goomy's..slime was what Kori called it. After gathering the needed materials, she began lathering her sculpture in Bluk Berry juice. After that she poked two holes for eyes.

⠀⠀"Alright! Contestants, put your paws and claws in the air!" Trevenant looked at each contestant. "It's time to decide the winner!" The tree-like Pokémon began at Kori's sculpture.

⠀⠀"I call it Goomy on Ice."

⠀⠀"Wonderful! I love the purple tint you added, and the icy ground was clever." Trevenant moved on to Tilly's sculpture.

⠀⠀The Buneary gave a proud smirk. "This is the Buneary Ballerina. Beautiful, isn't it?"

⠀⠀Fennel couldn't help but stick her paws on front of her face, stuck her tongue out, and pretend to be sick.

⠀⠀Trevenant eyed the creation with marvel. "Little body decoration, but the leaf tutu and difficulty of the shape makes up for it!"

⠀⠀The Buneary frowned.

⠀⠀Moving on to Teiboku's creation, Trevenant asked, "And what is your sculpture called?"

⠀⠀Teiboku grinned and gave a pat to the sculpture's back. "This is Pikachu Ditto." As he spoke, the Pikachu Ditto's ears broke off and landed in a heap.

⠀⠀"Very nice..ears?" Trevenant couldn't help but give a playful laugh.

⠀⠀Teiboku stared at the ears before giving an annoyed look. "Make that the Earless Pikachu Ditto." He rolled his eyes. "This is why I don't do contests like these," he muttered.

⠀⠀Fennel's creation was last. She put her paws out. "Tada! I call this Muddy Muk!"

⠀⠀"Creative design!" Trevenant eyed the sculpture. "The muddy purple coloring really gives off the impression of a Muk in mud."

⠀⠀Trevenant allowed there to be a moment of silence. "I think we know what design really took the crowd by storm."

⠀⠀On cue, the audience erupted into cheering, calling out the names of the contestant they wanted to win. Unfortunately, no one called Teiboku's name.

⠀⠀"And the winner of this year's Snow Sculpture Competition is... Fennel and her amazing 'Muddy Muk!'"

⠀⠀As the crowd cheered, Fennel's eyes grew wide. "Yes! I won! I won I won I won!"

⠀⠀"Congratulations, Fennel," Trevenant said cheerfully. "You've won a month's supply of Oran Berries!"

⠀⠀"Hurray!" Fennel looked over to see Tilly with a hurt expression on her face. She hopped over and held out her paw. "You did good y'know," she said, giving a smile.

⠀⠀Tilly frowned at Fennel and whacked her paw away. "Just wait!" She snapped. "I'll kick your furry butt next year!" She bounded away into the forest, muttering as she went.

⠀⠀"Jeez." The Bunnelby gave a pouty look. "I was trying to be a good sport." She felt a snowball hit the side of her head. Looking over, she saw Teiboku snickering. She bundled a snowball into her paws and struck the Hawlucha squarely in the face. "Take that, Teiboku! I told you I'd get you back!"

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