A Tragedy

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Finn's POV

Months went by as if they were days, Marceline often came to the treehouse to hang out and check up on me, sometimes she would stay the night on the couch. Princess Bubblegum would stop every now and again with some food or a funny story. As for me I finally worked up the courage to visit Lady Rainicorn and Jake's kids. We shared tales of adventures and reminisced the old days. I visit Jake's grave everyday and told him about my time in the wastelands as well as my daily life, which mainly consisted of doing odd jobs for the people of Ooo. I occasionally went to the beach and stared upon the setting sun. 

Today some villagers asked me to help them build a wall around their village because some bandits keep raiding their village. It was a hot day and the sun hung in the middle of the sky. To make it worse there were no clouds to make shade. I slaved away digging holes to put wooden pillars in. I took off my shirt and tucked it into the back pocket of my ripped blue jeans. I had my long blonde tied into low pony tail. I heard a battle horn in the distance and an army of bandits came rushing toward the village from over a hill. Armed with a shovel and a dagger I faced the small army alone. Using a shove to fight against swords and spears is stupid and it broke when I tried to block an incoming sword. I resorted to using magic and my trusty dagger. I hacked and slashed, cut and sliced, burnt and froze all of the bandits. When it was all over I was left huffing and puffing in the blood soaked field. "Finn? What are you doing?" Marcy questioned as I searched the bodies of the bandits.

"Ah, I'm...it's a habit from the wastelands..." I sighed, 

"Hahaha, I know what that's like but you'll grow out of it eventually," Marcy giggled, 

"What are you doing here here anyway?" I asked, 

"I came to bring you some lunch from PB," Marcy blushed a little, 

"Thanks, I'm starv-" I felt a sharp pain run through my body. I looked down to see a spear sticking out of my chest. Blood dripped out of my mouth and my vision started to blur then I lost consciousness. 

How stupid...stabbed in the back. I guess I had forgotten to make sure they were dead. I wonder if I'll survive...will Marceline be okay? Wait why did I just think of Marceline? It's probably because she's been hanging around so much lately come to think of it why is she always hanging around me? Marceline...I want to see you...

Marceline's POV

I finished cleaning up Finn's room, not there was much to clean, Finn wasn't such a slob anymore. I can't believe it's been six years since he left. He's changed so much, he's actually kinda handsome now. He's probably exhausted in that heat, I should take him some lunch. I know I'll make some sandwiches from the ingredients he got from Bonnie. I went into the kitchen and prepared the sandwiches the carefully wrapped them. I was so proud of myself, I wonder if he'll like them? I put the sandwiches in a basket and grabbed my umbrella from downstairs then set to find Finn. As I floated about I found Finn fighting some bandits in a field. I watch his ferocious battle face. He didn't fight like a kid anymore, it was different, he when straight for vital points and attacked every opening. I hadn't realise that I was staring until the fight was over. I noticed he was searching the bodies as I descended, it reminded me of when I was Simon, we had to search everything for supplies. Wait is that why he's so distant? Because he is scared of ended up alone, even after I told I wasn't going anywhere? We're really similar huh? Maybe if I tell him about me, he will open up to me? "Finn? What are you doing?" I questioned knowing the answer already, 

"Ah, I'm...it's a habit from the wastelands..." Finn sighed,

"Hahaha, I know what that's like but you'll grow out of it eventually," I giggled,

"What are you doing here here anyway?" Finn asked,

"I came to bring you some lunch from PB," I blushed a little. Why did I lie just now?

"Thanks, I'm starv-" The tip of a spear popped out of Finn's chest, oh no, he looked like he was in so much pain. Blood started to drip from his mouth. As he fell backwards I grabbed him. 

"Finn!" I screamed. The sunlight burned my skin but I ignored it. I flew Finn as fast as I could to Bonnie's castle. They took him into an operating room but I wasn't allowed to go in. It felt like they were in there forever but in reality it was eight hours. I sat in the waiting room sobbing silently. Finally Bonnie came out with the surgeons, she looked pale. 

"Marceline, he made it out of surgery okay but he lost a lot of blood and is in a coma. Unfortunately the spear severed part of his spinal cord, we repaired it as best we could but it's unlikely he'll ever walk again. For now we can only monitor him, I'm sorry," Princess Bubblegum spoke with a shaky voice. I fell into her arms crying. 

Five months past by. It was now a new year. I visit Finn every day and stay with him until the hospital staff tell me to go home. I've wishing and hoping that Finn will just wake up but nothing has happened. I fell to sleep holding his hand. Just wake up Finn I want to see you.

Finn's POV

I felt my hand getting sweating and gentle breaths on my arms. I heard the steady beeping of machines. I could smell strawberries. I opened my eyes to see a blob of raven hair. Marceline. I stroked her soft hair. She lifted her head still in a daze from her nap. "Finn?" she said groggily, 

"Hey Marcy, it's good to see you," I smiled, her eyes widened as she realised she wasn't dreaming. Marcy threw her arms around me, what a nice feeling this was. 

"Finn! I'm so glad you're okay!" she squealed. That's strange I couldn't feel my legs,

"...Hey Marcy...I...I can't feel my legs..." I stuttered, I felt tears run down my cheeks

"Finn! You're awake!" Princess Bubblegum shouted as she opened the door, "What's wrong?" 

"My legs! I can't feel my legs!" I panicked, the girls looked at each other,

"...Finn...I'm sorry but your spinal cord was damaged in that attack. You've also been in a coma for the last five months so your muscles have deteriorated," PB explained with sad expression on her face. I had no right to angry at anyone but myself however I was filled with rage. 

"Get out...Get out! Get out! Get out!" I screamed and thrashed. 

Three months went by. I sank into a deep depression with the loss of my legs. It was a depression so dark and inescapable, I even tried to something I would never do, I cut my wrists deep enough the scars are still healing. Since then Marceline hasn't left my side, tending to my every need. She looks so tired. Everyday I have rehab, it helps keep my mind on learning to deal with this but it also reminds me that I can no longer go adventuring. I was in so much pain I cannot even put it into words. Princess Bubblegum was never around, I was lucky to catch a glimpse of her in a hallway or right before I went to sleep, I know I yelled at her and vented my frustration on her but I didn't ever think she'd be so cold. I was lucky Marceline was around to keep me company, she was better than the chemicals that were pumped into my veins for the pain. I was still bored of the hospital, the same ceiling, the same faces and the same pain. "Hey Marcy, take me away." I said sarcastically, 

"And where would we go?" Marceline giggled with tired eyes as she flipped through a magazine, 

"Home to the tree house or your place. Anywhere is fine." I smiled rolling over the face her, 

"Alright. Let's go." Marceline smirked, closing her magazine. 

A Finnceline FanFic: Return of the AdventurerWhere stories live. Discover now