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Lori's pov.

I wake up to the sound of my phone going off. I hopped out of bed and checked the time.

"Oh crap!! It 7:00 I'm almost late for school," I said while looking at the time. I'm

I hurried up and went to the bathroom. 20 minutes later and I came out the shower to get dressed but I couldn't find anything to wear. So I decided to text Devin and ask him what I should wear.
( Text conversation )

Lori: ayo Dev what should I wear to school??

Dev: how about we match

Lori: okay what are you wearing to school

Devin: I'm wearing a all white shirt, grey jeans and my white red and grey jordans oh and wear your diamond stud earing ok?

Lori: okay are you coming to pick me up or am I picking you up

Devin: I'm picking you up I'll see you in 20 minutes

Lori: ok bye

( ending of text conversation )

After that I found the outfit, changed and went downstairs. As I I hit the very last step the door bell rang.

Lori: I wonder who that is

I went to the door and saw that it was devin.

Lori: what are you doing here you said 20 minutes
I said kinda annoyed that I didnt get to eat yet.

Devin: srry I just wanted to see my best friends be cuz I haven't seen you all weekend.
He said kinda sad.

Lori: I'm srry that I made you sad but let's go before we late for school

Devin: okay

With that we went outside and started walking. On the way to school we saw Kevin and Alora so went over there to walk with them. When we got over there me and alora were walk all the way in the front and the boys were way in the back of us.

Alora: lori I have something to tell you

Lori: good cuz I have something to tell you

Alora: okay so when I tell you, you can't freak out okay??

Lori: okay now tell me!!

Alora: okay well I have a slight crush on Kevin and before you say anything no you can not tell kevin. Now tell me what you have to say

Lori: first off how did you know I wanted to tell him and second I think I have a crush on Devin but I don't want to tell him cuz he dating Lauren

Alora: aww that's cute how you like devin and I never really liked Lauren

Lori: why is th( gco by devin)

Devin: hey guys whatchu talking about

But right as he asked that we made it to school and the bell rang. We all went to class unfortunately I have this class with devin and I can't get him off my mind.

Mrs. Harris: good morning class

Everyone: good morning Mrs.Harris

Mrs. Harris: ok today we ate going to be doing a project. You will be put into a group of two. Her are you pairs.
Lori and Devin
Kati and Daniel
Teri and Tori
Blah blah blah...
The project is about you guys life like what you want to do in the future and bout your past. This project is due in two weeks let's get started.

Right then the bell rang and I was second period.
( skipping to the end of the day)

Lori: devin are you walking home with me??

Devin: yeah I am

Lori: okay let's go

Then they started walking home and talking. On their way home they spotted Lauren and of course devin wanted to stop to talk to her so yall did. After ten minutes of them talking you went home cuz you thought that he forgot about you. When you made it home you went straight to sleep thinking about all that happened today.

I hope I did good for my first chapter plus this is my first story I hope I did good.

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