Chapter Two

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“So Elise what’s up?” Jeremy asked casually. I rolled my eyes.

“I’m busy doing my school work,” I said flipping through the pages of my book.

“Was he good?” he asked. I looked up.

“Who?” I said raising an eyebrow.

“C’mon Elise, ya know who I’m talking ‘bout,” he suggested.

“No I don’t,” I sighed.

“My bro, babe,” he smirked.

“You’re just like him,” I grumbled.

“So it was good then,” I turned to face him, horror on my face.

“I meant you’re a jerk like him, not about your performance in bed,” I said flustered.

“Yes sure, I mean if you don’t believe me or remember I can show you again,” he winked.

“You’re such a jerk, just like your bloody brother,” I said through clenched teeth.

“Aw come on, I’m so much hotter than him,” he whined. The bell finally rang after two hours of torture form mister flirty over here.

“Hey Georgina,” Jeremy called.

“Yeah?” she said packing her books up.

“Can I hang out with you at lunch?” he asked.

“Sure, M you ok with that,” Megan just shrugged, typical of them to let Mr. Cocky-Ass fool over here sit with us.

“Cool,” he said with a smug smile.

“Yeah, you can meet the rest of us,” G said chearily, as per usual. Jeremy looked slightly worried.We went to our usual table and sat down on one side of the table were Ava, Tamara, Reagan and Georgina and on the other side were Megan and myself, but sitting next to me was Jeremy.

“Hey girls,” Ava said taking a bite out of her salad.

“Jeremy this is Ava Spence, with the brown hair and eyes, Ava this is Jeremy Lopez,” the table went quiet. But I continued my introduction.

“This is Tamara Gilbert, with shorter brown hair and blue eyes, Tam this is Jeremy. This is the only other you don’t know Reagan Quint with blonde loosely curled hair, grey eyes,” I said pointing to each girl.

“Hey Jeremy, are you new here?” Ava said, trying to be polite, when she was quiet clearly speaking through her teeth.

“Yeah, I came here after being expelled, Sean said it was great here,” he said smiling.

“You all know Sean right?” he asked, his smile kind of faltering at the expression of disgust on the girls faces, they’ve always sucked at being discreet.

“Yeah we know him,” five girls said. I had to supress a laugh.

“So are you Ava?” he asked Tamara. She laughed outrageously. That’s typical Tam.

“No, Elise just told you that my name is Tamara, do you not listen. Or are you just an uglier dumber version of Sean,” we all laughed, except Jeremy. He just totally got shut down.

“Good one Tam,” I laughed.

“And here I am thinking you guys were cool,” Jeremy grumbled. That only made us laugh harder. Someone came up to us; he was wearing a white V-neck shirt and dark jeans.

“Noel,” I chimed. I got off the seat and ran up to him; I wrapped my arms around his neck.

“Hey babe! Who’s that guy at your table?” Noel asked once we split apart.

“Oh him, that’s Jeremy Lopez,” I said with distaste.

“Lopez? As in Sean Lopez, Lopez?” I nodded.

“Oh, I hated that guy,” he said reminiscing.

“Well if you hated Sean, you’ll unquestionably hate Jeremy,” I sighed, glancing back a Jeremy who was making himself way to comfortable with my friends.

“Oh?” Noel asked, cocking an eyebrow.

“He’s even more of a player than Sean, though Sean was only in grade nine at the time, I heard he got even worse as he grew up, so this is a Sean clone basically,”

“Yeah the looks are definitely the same,”

“Yeah, well are you going to rowing?” I asked running a finger up his chest.

“Yeah I am, how about you, babe?” he said with a sly undertone to his words.

“Of course,” I smiled.

“Want to sit with us, Jeremy and his ignorance is annoying me,”

“Sure,” Noel and I walked back to the group.

“Oh Jeremy this is Noel Xavier, Noel that’s Jeremy,” I said as we sat down, saying Jeremy’s name as if it were a curse.

“Hey N!” Jeremy exclaimed. Wow he’s happy.

“Bud, I haven’t seen you in ages,” I looked between Noels guilty face and Jeremy’s happy one.

“Noel, I thought you said you didn’t know him?” I queried.

“I never said I didn’t know him, I just asked who was at your table,”

“How do you know each other?” I asked, turning to Jeremy.

“His brother Aaron and Sean are best friends, we use to hang out,” he said. Jeremy was wearing a white shirt and jeans, he had tanned skin and a straight nose, a chiselled jaw and in general capital H-O-T!

“Yeah,” Noel said shrugging.The bell rung.

“I’ll see you at rowing Noel, you too Georgina and Megan,” I said smiling and walking away. Someone came up beside me as I was walking to my next class.

“Me too,” Jeremy said.

“You do rowing?” he nodded.

“And I have drama right now, what about you?” I raked my mind for my subject.

“Drama,” his face lit up in a sly smile.

“Well isn’t this great?” he asked rhetorically, grinning like the fool he is. I can’t seem to get rid of this guy, might as well put him to use. Mr Jeremy Lopez you are officially a player in “The Boy Game”. Oh I may have forgotten to tell you, I play dirty.

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